Hi Erik,

On 2/4/13 8:01 AM, Erik Helin wrote:
There have been some updates to the hotspot code based on feedback from
the hotspot-gc-dev mailing list. The only change to the JDK code is that
the namespace is back to "sun.gc" :)

New webrevs:
- jdk:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ehelin/8004172/jdk/webrev.03/  
- hotspot:http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ehelin/8004172/hotspot/webrev.03/  

Looks good.  Minor nits:

gcCapacityOutput1.awk - should the last column in L7 be removed?

jstatGcMetaCapacityOutput1.sh - it's a new test and the copyright year should 
be 2013.

Note that the fixed tests will continue to fail until the HotSpot
part of the change finds it way into the tl forest.

How are you going to integrate the hotspot and jdk fixes in a
synchronized fashion?  We shall make sure the TL sun/tools/jstat
tests pass at all times.


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