
I’ve look at the following files:

nit: “legel” -> “legal” (two times)
In Java_sun_management_DiagnosticCommandImpl_getDiagnosticCommandInfo() if you 
allow dcmd_info_array to become NULL, then 
jmm_interface->GetDiagnosticCommandInfo() will throw an NPE and you need to 
check that.

No comments.

No comments.

No comments.


On 14 jan 2014, at 09:40, Volker Simonis <volker.simo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> could you please review the following changes for the ppc-aix-port 
> stage/stage-9 repositories (the changes are planned for integration into 
> ppc-aix-port/stage-9 and subsequent backporting to ppc-aix-port/stage):
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/8031581/
> I've build and smoke tested without any problems on Linux/x86_64 and PPC64, 
> Windows/x86_64, MacOSX, Solaris/SPARC64 and AIX7PPC64.
> With these changes (and together with the changes from "8028537: PPC64: 
> Updated jdk/test scripts to understand the AIX os and environment" and 
> "8031134 : PPC64: implement printing on AIX") our port passes all but the 
> following 7 jtreg regression tests on AIX (compared to the Linux/x86_64 
> baseline from www.java.net/download/jdk8/testresults/testresults.html‎):
> java/net/Inet6Address/B6558853.java
> java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Basic.java (sporadically)
> java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/GroupOfOne.java
> java/nio/channels/AsynchronousChannelGroup/Unbounded.java (sporadically)
> java/nio/channels/Selector/RacyDeregister.java
> sun/security/krb5/auto/Unreachable.java (only on IPv6)
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> Following a detailed description of the various changes:
> src/share/native/java/util/zip/zip_util.c
> src/share/native/sun/management/DiagnosticCommandImpl.c
> According to ISO C it is perfectly legal for malloc to return zero if called 
> with a zero argument. Fix various places where malloc can potentially 
> correctly return zero because it was called with a zero argument.
> Also fixed DiagnosticCommandImpl.c to include stdlib.h. This only fixes a 
> compiler warning on Linux, but on AIX it prevents a VM crash later on because 
> the return value of malloc() will be casted to int which is especially bad if 
> that pointer was bigger than 32-bit.
> make/CompileJavaClasses.gmk
> Also use PollingWatchService on AIX.
> make/lib/NioLibraries.gmk
> src/aix/native/sun/nio/ch/AixNativeThread.c
> Put the implementation for the native methods of NativeThread into 
> AixNativeThread.c on AIX.
> src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/PollArrayWrapper.c
> src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/Net.c
> src/aix/classes/sun/nio/ch/AixPollPort.java
> src/aix/native/sun/nio/ch/AixPollPort.c
> src/aix/native/java/net/aix_close.c
> On AIX, the constants used for the polling events (i.e. POLLIN, POLLOUT, ...) 
> are defined to different values than on other operating systems. The problem 
> is however, that these constants are hardcoded as public final static members 
> of various, shared Java classes. We therefore have to map them from Java to 
> native every time before calling one of the native poll functions and back to 
> Java after the call on AIX in order to get the right semantics.
> src/share/classes/java/nio/file/CopyMoveHelper.java
> As discussed on the core-libs mailing list (see 
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2013-December/024119.html)
>  it is not necessary to call Files.getFileAttributeView() with any 
> linkOptions because at that place we've already checked that the target file 
> can not be a symbolic link. This change makes the implementation more robust 
> on platforms which support symbolic links but do not support the O_NOFOLLOW 
> flag to the open system call. It also makes the JDK pass the 
> demo/zipfs/basic.sh test on AIX.
> src/share/classes/sun/nio/cs/ext/ExtendedCharsets.java
> Support "compound text" on AIX in the same way like on other Unix platforms.
> src/share/classes/sun/tools/attach/META-INF/services/com.sun.tools.attach.spi.AttachProvider
> Define the correct attach provider for AIX.
> src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.h
> src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/FileDispatcherImpl.c
> src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/ServerSocketChannelImpl.c
> AIX needs a workaround for I/O cancellation (see: 
> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/v5r3/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.aix.basetechref/doc/basetrf1/close.htm).
>  "..The close() subroutine is blocked until all subroutines which use the 
> file descriptor return to usr space. For example, when a thread is calling 
> close and another thread is calling select with the same file descriptor, the 
> close subroutine does not return until the select call returns...". To fix 
> this problem, we have to use the various NET_ wrappers which are declared in 
> net_util_md.h and defined in aix_close.c and we also need some additional 
> wrappers for fcntl(), read() and write() on AIX.
> While the current solution isn't really nice because it introduces some more 
> AIX-specifc sections in shared code, I think it is the best way to go for JDK 
> 8 because it imposes the smallest possible changes and risks for the existing 
> platforms. I'm ready to change the code to unconditionally use the wrappers 
> for all platforms and implement the wrappers empty on platforms which don't 
> need any wrapping. I think it would also be nice to clean up the names (e.g. 
> NET_Read() is currently a wrapper for recv() and the NET_ prefix is probably 
> not appropriate any more so maybe change it to something like IO_). But 
> again, I'll prefer to keep that as a follow up change for JDK9.
> Calling fsync() on a "read-only" file descriptor on AIX will result in an 
> error (i.e. "EBADF: The FileDescriptor parameter is not a valid file 
> descriptor open for writing."). To prevent this error we have to query if the 
> corresponding file descriptor is writeable. Notice that at that point we can 
> not access the writable attribute of the corresponding file channel so we 
> have to use fcntl().
> src/solaris/classes/java/lang/UNIXProcess.java.aix
> On AIX the implementation is especially tricky, because the close() system 
> call will block if another thread is at the same time blocked in a file 
> operation (e.g. 'read()') on the same file descriptor. We therefore combine 
> the AIX ProcessPipeInputStream implemenatation with the 
> DeferredCloseInputStream approach used on Solaris (see 
> UNIXProcess.java.solaris). This means that every potentially blocking 
> operation on the file descriptor increments a counter before it is executed 
> and decrements it once it finishes. The 'close()' operation will only be 
> executed if there are no pending operations. Otherwise it is deferred after 
> the last pending operation has finished.
> src/share/transport/socket/socketTransport.c
> On AIX we have to call shutdown() on a socket descriptor before closing it, 
> otherwise the close() call may be blocked. This is the same problem as 
> described before. Unfortunately the JDI framework doesn't use the same IO 
> wrappers like other class library components so we can not easily use the 
> NET_ abstractions from aix_close.c here.
> Without this small change all JDI regression tests will fail on AIX because 
> of the way how the tests act as a "debugger" which launches another VM (the 
> "debugge") which connects itself back to the debugger. In this scenario the 
> "debugge" can not shut down itself because one thread will always be blocked 
> in the close() call on one of the communication sockets.
> src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c
> Set the scope identifier for IPv6 addresses on AIX.
> src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.c
> It turns out that we do not always have to replace SO_REUSEADDR on AIX by 
> SO_REUSEPORT. Instead we can simply use the same approach like BSD and only 
> use SO_REUSEPORT additionally, if several datagram sockets try to bind to the 
> same port.
> Also fixed a comment and removed unused local variables.
> Fixed the obviously inverted assignment newTime = prevTime; which should read 
> prevTime = newTime;. Otherwise prevTime will never change and the timeout 
> will be potential reached too fast.
> src/solaris/native/sun/management/OperatingSystemImpl.c
> AIX does not understand /proc/self so we have to query the real process ID to 
> access the proc file system.
> src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/DatagramChannelImpl.c
> On AIX, connect() may legally return EAFNOSUPPORT if called on a socket with 
> the address family set to AF_UNSPEC.

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