

A release note will be needed to document the new property.
Please add the label 'release-note' and a separate comment with the proposed release note text.

Thanks, Roger

On 2/17/2016 10:17 AM, cheleswer sahu wrote:
I have made changes in the property name (jdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize) and code as suggested in the earlier reviews.

--- old/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ProcessHandleImpl.java 2016-02-17 18:48:10.545639999 +0530 +++ new/src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/ProcessHandleImpl.java 2016-02-17 18:48:10.081639999 +0530
@@ -81,9 +81,8 @@
                 ThreadGroup systemThreadGroup = tg;

                 ThreadFactory threadFactory = grimReaper -> {
-                    // Our thread stack requirement is quite modest.
-                    Thread t = new Thread(systemThreadGroup, grimReaper,
-                            "process reaper", 32768);
+ long stackSize = Boolean.getBoolean("jdk.lang.processReaperUseDefaultStackSize") ? 0 : 32768; + Thread t = new Thread(systemThreadGroup, grimReaper, "process reaper", stackSize);
// A small attempt (probably futile) to avoid priority inversion

I would really like to thanks "Martin" for the patch (http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~martin/webrevs/openjdk9/tls-size-guarantee/) which he has provided. Since we support a wider range of glibc versions and platform using patch will require more testing and work. I think the use of system property for this issue will be safer at this point of time.


On 1/19/2016 5:40 PM, David Holmes wrote:
On 19/01/2016 9:53 PM, Kevin Walls wrote:
Hi Cheleswer, I think Martin is suggesting something like:

// Use a modest stack size, unless requested otherwise:
long stackSize = Boolean.getBoolean("processReaperUseDefaultStackSize") ? 0 : 32768;

Someone from core-libs needs to chime on what the appropriate namespace for such a property would be.


Thread t = new Thread(systemThreadGroup, grimReaper, "process reaper", stackSize);

If that tests OK for you, it may be the way we can go ahead with the
point fix for this.

On 18/01/2016 16:52, Martin Buchholz wrote:
Historical note - I never liked having a reaper thread for each
subprocess, but no other reliable implementation is known. Given the
potential for many reaper threads, I at least wanted to keep the
memory waste low.

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 2:25 AM, cheleswer sahu
<cheleswer.s...@oracle.com> wrote:

+                   Thread t = null;
+                   if
(Boolean.getBoolean("processReaperUseDefaultStackSize")) {
+                       t = new Thread(systemThreadGroup, grimReaper,
"process reaper");
+                    } else {
+ // Our thread stack requirement is quite modest.
+                       t = new Thread(systemThreadGroup, grimReaper,
"process reaper", 32768);
+                    }
If we do end up using this strategy, cleaner would be to use
stackSize - the desired stack size for the new thread, or zero to
indicate that this parameter is to be ignored.

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