
Please review the fix for

issue : https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8141591

webrev : http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~hb/8141591/webrev.00/

Fix details:

The root-cause for the issue is that NotifFetcher thread was suspended at L562 after which main thread ran to completion shutting down both client and server and stopping the executor. Fixing as

synchronized (ClientNotifForwarder.this) {
         if (state == STARTED) {
            executor.execute(new NotifFetcher());

will not solve the problem since NotifFetcher can get suspended after checking state==STARTED and still hit the same problem.

One way to solve would be to catch RejectedExecutionException and then fallback on linearExecutor. This will take care of necessary cleanup if client/server are shutdown or keeps the system running if executor is abrupty shutdown by the client without stopping the client/server.

The comments section of the issue also has discussion about various ways of fixing the issue and merits/demerits of different approaches. It also helps in getting a perspective on issue and the fix.



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