Hi Harsha,

Maybe I'm missing something.
How is the local agent started?

If it's started when you connect jconsole to a process
by specifying the process ID - then I suspect this will
prevent e.g. jconsole or jvisualvm running on JDK 8 to
connect to your process.

Can you verify that it's not the case?

best regards,

-- daniel

On 20/06/2017 09:11, Harsha Wardhana B wrote:
Hi Daniel,

The fix is applicable only to local JMX agent and the most common use case would be client and server running from same JVM. It is highly unlikely that local JMX agent will be started to cater for out-of-jvm clients.

I don't see how introducing this fix can cause new interoperability problems. Can you please elaborate?


On Monday 19 June 2017 10:23 PM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:

If I'm not mistaken then this will make it impossible
for earlier release to interoperate with newer releases
as the LocalRMIClientSocketFactory class will not be
present the client tries to deserialize the stub.

best regards,

-- daniel

On 19/06/2017 11:52, Ujwal Vangapally wrote:

Kindly review the fix for bug below


webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~uvangapally/webrev/2017/8173180/webrev.00/



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