On 15/04/2018 07:23, mandy chung wrote:

This proposal would allow java agents to migrate from internal API and ClassDefiner to be enhanced in the future.

I went through the proposed spec/API addition and it looks good. The original instrumentation envisaged in JSR 163 was to support data collection by tools (profilers, tracing, etc.) and it's not unreasonable that such instrumentation would make use of (ideally non-public) helper classes that the agent defines into the same run-time package as the instrumented class.

The reentrancy issues with transform implementations loading or defining new classes is very tricky so I think the proposal to not send the auxillary classes through the transformer pipeline is pragmatic. It means a small inconsistent with JVM TI but I don't think this matters too much.

A minor suggestion is to replace "The transformers can ..."  with "Transformers may". The rest of the wording looks good.


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