For the vmTestbase tests recently moved to the open repos,
see test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/share/
It uses a simple wrapper around a test to ensure a single test completes
within a specific time window. The vmTestbase tests were only minimally
changed so they could be run with the jtreg test harness, but were not
fully ported to rely on features in the jtreg harness itself.

     * Perform test execution in separate thread and wait for
     * thread finishes or timeout exceeds.
    public void runTest(Thread testThread) {
        long millisec = waitTime * 60 * 1000;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
            throw new Failure(ex);

For the jtreg TimeoutHandlers,
see <jtreg-src>/build/images/jtreg/doc/jtreg/usage.txt.

Timeout Options
These options control the behavior when tests run longer than
                their specified timeout value.
    -th:<classname> | -timeoutHandler:<classname>
                    Specifies the class to handle timeouts. The class must
                    extend com.sun.javatest.regtest.TimeoutHandler. E.g.
    -thd:<path> | -timeoutHandlerDir:<path>
Specifies the pathname of a directory or .jar file in which the timeout handler class is located. The given pathname is simply appended to the CLASSPATH used for the tests, thus care should be taken when naming an timeout handler not to collide with the names of classes internal to the JavaTest harness or the JRE, e.g., put the timeout handler class in
                    its own named package.
    -thtimeout:<#seconds> | -timeoutHandlerTimeout:<#seconds>
Specifies execution time limitation for the timeout handler. If the timeout handler does not finish its actions within
                    the specified period of time, it will be interrupted.
Non-positive values mean no limitation. The default value is
                    5 minutes (300 seconds).
    -timeout:<number> | -timeoutFactor:<number>
A scaling factor to extend the default timeout of all tests. Typically used when running tests on slow systems or systems
                    with slow file systems.
    -tl:<#seconds> | -timelimit:<#seconds>
Do not run tests which specify a timeout longer than a given value. The comparison is done against any values specified
                    in the test, before any timeout factor is applied.

Which would you prefer at this point in time :
  - increase the timeout so it can run on the slower platforms
  - problem list the test so it is bypassed completely

On 6/26/18, 1:45 AM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Gary,

On 26/06/2018 4:27 AM, Gary Adams wrote:
The first time I looked into problems with exclude001 test,
we discovered a large number of new packages in the jdk.internal
classes that were introduced in jdk9. The test needed to add excludes for
any of the jdk.* methods or it could not finish in time.

As a follow up I'll try a test run with unlimited time and no methods excluded to get a specific count of methods that are being processed. Over time new features have been added, e.g. string concatenation optimizations, lambda functions, etc., etc., etc. For a test that does method tracing, each new method adds to the collective time. If you can not reduce the number of methods called, then the time
for the test needs to be increased.

That sounds quite reasonable. I'm just wondering how the "-waittime=7" interacts with the jtreg timeout handling?



On 6/25/18, 2:11 PM, Chris Plummer wrote:
I'm also wondering how fast this test runs on other platforms and when passing on solaris-sparc. 5 minutes already seems like a long time for this test. There could be an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.


On 6/25/18 11:00 AM, wrote:
Hi Gary,

It looks Okay.
But I'm curious when this started failing and what triggered it to fail?


On 6/25/18 10:20, Gary Adams wrote:
The exclude001 test times out on solaris sparc debug builds.

Basically, this test is all about tracing method calls and introduces
exclude filters to reduce the callbacks to a select set of packages.
The time spent tracing/filtering method callbacks is purely a function of the number of methods that are processed. On this particularly slow
target platform, more time is needed before issuing a timeout.


Proposed fix:
diff --git a/test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/exclude/exclude001/exclude001.javab/test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/exclude/exclude001/ --- a/test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/exclude/exclude001/ +++ b/test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/exclude/exclude001/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
  * nsk.jdb.exclude.exclude001.exclude001a
* @run main/othervm PropertyResolvingWrapper nsk.jdb.exclude.exclude001.exclude001
  * -arch=${}-${os.simpleArch}
- * -waittime=5
+ * -waittime=7
  * -debugee.vmkind=java
  * -transport.address=dynamic
  * -jdb=${test.jdk}/bin/jdb

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