Here's an updated webrev that includes the change to bind to the stub.
The jstatd tests continue to pass after this change.


It would be good to have a second reviewer from the serviceability team.

Longer term it would be good to replace the rmi dependency, which does not
appear to be central to the functionality provided here.

On 3/22/19, 9:56 AM, Roger Riggs wrote:
Hi Gary,

Holding a static reference to the implementation solves the problem.

But I noticed that the object that is bound in the registry is the RemoteHostImpl
and it should be the RemoteHost stub.

Line 145: should be:

    bind(name.toString(), stub);

That is likely to solve the problem as well, because the distributed garbage collector will correctly cause a hard reference to be retained to the implementation.


On 03/22/2019 04:05 AM, wrote:
Here's a proposed fix for the intermittent jstatd test failure.
By moving the exported object from a local method variable to a
static class variable a strong reference is held so the object
will not be garbage collected prematurely.


The test is currently filed as a core-libs/java.rmi, but it probably
should be core-svc/tools with label=jstatd. It is the callers
responsibility to ensure the strong reference to prevent
the premature garbage collection, so this is a test failure
rather than a need to change the underlying rmi behavior.

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