
On 2019-09-17 05:59, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Magnus,

On 17/09/2019 9:26 pm, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
On 2019-09-17 01:01, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Christoph,

Sorry for the delay getting back you.

cc'd build-dev to get some clarification on the below ...

On 12/09/2019 7:30 pm, Langer, Christoph wrote:
Hi David,

please review an enhancement which I've identified when working with
Processhelper for JDK-8230850.

I noticed that ProcessHelper is an interface in common code with a
static method that would lookup the actual platform implementation via reflection. This seems a little cumbersome since we can have a common
dummy for ProcessHelper and override it with the platform specific
implementation, leveraging the build system.

I don't see you leveraging the build system. You have two source files
that compile to the same destination class file. What is ensuring the
platform specific version is compiled after the generic one?

Service-provider patterns use reflection to instantiate the service
implementation. I don't see any problem here that needs solving.

There are two source files, one in share/classes and one in linux/classes. The build system overrides the share/classes implementation with the linux/classes implementation in the linux build. This is not by coincidence and only one class is contained in the generated jdk.jcmd module. Then there won't be a need for having a service interface and a service implementation that is looked up via reflection (which is not a bad pattern by itself). I agree that it's not a big problem to be solved but still not "no problem". Here is some longer elaboration how the build system prefers specific implementations of classes and filters generic duplicates: The SetupJavaCompilation function from JavaCompilation.gmk [0] is used to compile the java sources for JDK modules. In its documentation, for argument SRC [1], it claims: "one or more directories to search for sources. The order of the source roots is significant. The first found file of a certain name has priority". In its implementation the found files are first ordered [3] and duplicates filtered out [4]. The potential source files are handed to SetupJavaCompilation in CompileJavaModules.gmk [5] and were collected by a call to FindModuleSrcDirs [6]. FindModuleSrcDirs iterates over all potential source dirs for Java classes in the module [7]. The evaluated subdirs are (in that order) $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS)/classes, $(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS_TYPE)/classes and share/classes, as per [8].
Hope that explains what I'm trying to leverage here.

I'm not 100% certain that what you describe actually ensures what you want it to ensure. I can't reconcile "the first found file ... has priority" with the fact found files are sorted and duplicates eliminated. It is the sorting that concerns me as it suggests linux/Foo.java might replace shared/Foo.java, but if we're on Windows then we have a problem! That said there is also this comment:

# Order src files according to the order of the src dirs. Correct odering is
# needed for correct overriding between different source roots.

I'd need the build team to clarify what "correct overriding" is actually defined as.

Christoph is correct. linux/Foo.java will override share/Foo.java. I don't remember how the magic in JavaCompilation.gmk works anymore :-), but we have relied on this behavior in other places for a long time, so I'm pretty certain it is still working correctly. Presumably, the $(sort ...) is there to remove (identical) duplicates, which is a side-effect of sort.

Thanks for confirming. I'd still like to understand exactly what these overriding rules are though. It's not a mechanism I was aware of.

SetupJavaCompilation is indeed behaving as Christoph describes and it is by design. I implemented support for this behavior in:


The relevant parts of SetupJavaCompilation look like this:

  # Order src files according to the order of the src dirs. Correct odering is
  # needed for correct overriding between different source roots.
  $1_ALL_SRC_RAW := $$(call FindFiles, $$($1_SRC))
  $1_ALL_SRCS := $$($1_EXTRA_FILES) \
      $$(foreach d, $$($1_SRC), $$(filter $$d%, $$($1_ALL_SRC_RAW)))

The second line orders the src files by the src roots. (We used to just call find for one src root at a time, but the above actually performs better due only running 1 external process)

Further down we have this:

  ifneq ($$($1_KEEP_DUPS), true)
    # Remove duplicate source files by keeping the first found of each duplicate.     # This allows for automatic overrides with custom or platform specific versions
    # source files.
    # For the smart javac wrapper case, add each removed file to an extra exclude
    # file list to prevent sjavac from finding duplicate sources.
    $1_SRCS := $$(strip $$(foreach s, $$($1_SRCS), \
        $$(eval relative_src := $$(call remove-prefixes, $$($1_SRC), $$(s))) \
        $$(if $$($1_$$(relative_src)), \
          $$(eval $1_SJAVAC_EXCLUDE_FILES += $$(s)), \
          $$(eval $1_$$(relative_src) := 1) $$(s))))

This loop is a bit hairy to wrap your head around. It's iterating over all the src files, in the order of importance. The variable relative_src is the path from the src root, the part that is common to all duplicate src files. The variables on the form $1_$$(relative_src) basically act as a hash map (string->boolean). So for each src file, if the relative path for it has already been seen, add it to an exclude list, else mark it as seen and add it to the return list.


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