On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 15:01:25 GMT, Anton Kozlov <akoz...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> src/hotspot/share/jfr/instrumentation/jfrJvmtiAgent.cpp line 87:
>>> 85:   JavaThread* jt = JavaThread::thread_from_jni_environment(jni_env);
>>> 86:   DEBUG_ONLY(JfrJavaSupport::check_java_thread_in_native(jt));;
>>> 87:   Thread::WXWriteFromExecSetter wx_write;
>> Is this on every transition to VM from Native?  Would it be better to add to 
>> ThreadInVMfromNative like the ResetNoHandleMark is?
> I've tried to do something like this initially. The idea was to use Write in 
> VM state and Exec in Java and Native states. However, for example, JIT runs 
> in the Native state and needs Write access. So instead, W^X is managed on 
> entry and exit from VM code, in macros like JRT_ENTRY. Unfortunately, not 
> every JVM entry function is defined with an appropriate macro (at least for 
> now), so I had to add explicit W^X state management along with the explicit 
> java thread state, like here.

Yes, that's why I thought it should be added to the classes 
ThreadInVMfromNative, etc like:
class ThreadInVMfromNative : public ThreadStateTransition {
  ResetNoHandleMark __rnhm;

We can look at it with cleaning up the thread transitions RFE or as a 
follow-on.  If every line of ThreadInVMfromNative has to have one of these   
Thread::WXWriteVerifier __wx_write;     people are going to miss them when 
adding the former.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/2200

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