On Fri, 8 Apr 2022 17:34:57 GMT, Roman Kennke <rken...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Yes, I get that. But the fragments and fragment-table are themselves inner 
> classes that take a MEMFLAGS template. I could (perhaps) either use a 
> constexpr MEMFLAGS arg and pass this through, or do at some point a switch 
> like:
> ```
> switch (_flags) {
>   case mtServiceability:
>   ... new BitMapFragmentTable<mtServiceability>(); break;
>   case mtServiceability:
>   ... new BitMapFragmentTable<mtServiceability>(); break;
>   default: ShouldNotReachHere();
> }
> ```
> Which seems kinda-ugly but would work (I think), and avoid making the outer 
> class template-ized.

I see what you mean. This MEMFLAGS template parameter is deeply interwoven into 
everything. I'd just live with the current solution. It uses established 
pattern, so at least nobody is surprised.

I think the basic problem is that CHeapObj itself is a template class. 
Rethinking MEMFLAGS seems worthwhile for a future RFE. As I wrote, one approach 
could be to make them a property of the current thread, and switchable and 
stackable via a Mark class. That way, everything allocated within a given range 
of frames would count toward a given category. No need to decide on a 
fine-granular basis. No need for templates. Maybe no need even to have a 
MEMFLAGS argument for every allocation.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7964

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