On Fri, 25 Mar 2022 20:10:32 GMT, Roman Kennke <rken...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> JVMTI heap walking marks objects in order to track which have been visited 
> already. In order to do that, it uses bits in the object header. Those are 
> the same bits that are also used by some GCs to mark objects (the lowest two 
> bits, also used by locking code). Some GCs also use the bits in order to 
> indicate 'forwarded' objects, where the upper bits of the header represent 
> the forward-pointer. In the case of Shenandoah, it's even more problematic 
> because this happens concurrently, even while JVMTI heap walks can intercept. 
> So far we carefully worked around that problem, but it becomes very 
> problematic in Lilliput, where accesses to the Klass* also requires to decode 
> the header, and figure out what bits means what.
> In addition to that, marking objects in their header requires that the 
> original header gets saved and restored. We only do that for 'interesting' 
> headers, that is headers that have a stack-lock, monitor or hash-code. All 
> other headers are reset to their default value. This means we are losing 
> object's GC age. This is not catastrophic, but nontheless interferes with GC. 
> JFR already has a datastructure called BitSet to support object marking 
> without messing with object's headers. We can use that in JVMTI too.
> Testing:
>  - [x] tier1
>  - [x] tier2
>  - [x] tier3
>  - [x] serviceability/jvmti
>  - [x] vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: abfd2f98
Author:    Roman Kennke <rken...@openjdk.org>
Stats:     840 lines in 13 files changed: 392 ins; 427 del; 21 mod

8283710: JVMTI: Use BitSet for object marking

Reviewed-by: stuefe, coleenp


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jdk/pull/7964

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