On Thu, 14 Nov 2024 12:22:36 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> In several (most? all?) of the build system files, the copyright header 
> includes the classpath exception. This makes no sense, and should be removed. 
> I have removed the classpath exception from makefiles, autoconf, shell 
> scripts, properties files, configuration files, IDE support files, build 
> tools and data.
> The only places where the classpath exception is still kept in the make 
> directory is as text strings in some build tools, which generate source code 
> that is bundled with `src.zip`, and thus *must* have the classpath exception.
> This is a huge and autogenerated, but content-wise trivial, PR, and I know 
> such are hard to review. I recommend looking at the entire diff file instead 
> of checking this file-by-file in the Github web GUI. (That's bound to be a 
> painful experience)

Marked as reviewed by abdelhak-za...@github.com (no known OpenJDK username).


PR Review: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/22104#pullrequestreview-2436096366

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