On 12/8/06, Guillaume Nodet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 12/7/06, Roger Menday <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I get the impression that the servicemix-bpe component is not using the
> latest ode code - however, as it is today, this component *doesn't* seem

> to be sticking the correlationID, into exchanges it is making. This
> would be useful here too. I guess this will also be a problem with any
> non-servicemix components too :) ? servicemix-bpe also doesn't add the
> senderEndpoint as a property into the exchanges it makes.

servicemix-bpe is based on a donation to the ODE project which is not
maintained. You should try the ODE Service Engine provided by the ODE
project itself.

Unfortunately BPEL is fundamentally driven at the message level and although
the new ODE code is integrated with all the joys of MessageExchanges (both
JBI and Persistable ODE ones) there is still a basic disconnect between the
input to a BPEL process and any invokes that may occur during that BPEL
process.  At the point where an invoke is called a new MessageExchange is
created without deriving any properties from the initiating exchange.  That
is not to say initiating message exchange's properties couldn't be copied
but that it may lead to other side-effects.

There is some code in ODE that allows for the use of InvocationInterceptors
which may be a lead towards providing a configurable correlation mechanism
(as distinct from BPEL correlation sets) - the ODE guys should be able to
shed some light on this.

The reason why your solution didn't work for the current BPE component was
because it has two main external interfaces: BPEEndpoint which is a consumer
and JbiInvokeAction which is a provider.  I'm not sure how you'd go about
using thread local storage across two classes and I'm not sure if there is
even a guarantee that the JbiInvokeAction will be called in the same
thread.  I faced a similar situation with needing to correlate messages
coming in to BPE and invokes leaving BPE from the same initiating exchange
and the only easily implementable solution was to wrap an aspect around both
classes to generate a correlation id to be added to the incoming message xml
in a configurable manner.

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