What is it about servlets that makes people stop thinking?  Just because
it's a SERVLET doesn't change the fact that it's Java and all available
tools in Java are still at your disposal.

Let's do this the naive way:

1.  Receive request from client for content A
2.  Create a URL object to source of data for content A
3.  Read the content A from the URL
4.  Parse/format/massage the content from the URL
5.  Send the content back to client.

Unless I'm missing something it looks pretty straight forward.


Nandish A wrote:
Hi All,
        I have a servlet which collects data and displays to the client, but this server has to collect data from different location (over the internet). Now my question is how will i make this servlet speak to other servlets(there should be two way communication)

Thanks in advance

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David Mossakowski
Instinet Corporation

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