You should not be using JRun 3.1 - it has a notorious memory leak.
upgrade to 4.0


Mary Collamore wrote:

We are using JRun 3.1 on Windows 2000, and have a servlet that runs a web
questionnaire.  It instantiates a class (once) for the session, which looks
up datasource for pooled connection to db. When the user presses "next"
after each question, the servlet is called again as the action for
the "next" (submit) button. In effect, posting to itself.  For each
question, the servlet tells the datasource to grab a conn, record answer,
get next question from database, and then closes it (returns to pool).

The servlet class implements SingleThreadModel, so I understand that JRun
may make more than one copy when service is needed by more than one user.
But the most users I have ever noted at one time is 3, and I often see in
event log that "init" is called multiple times in a row, sometimes as many
as 10 - 18, within seconds of each other.  Each time init is called, there
is also request for new connection from the pool. This seems to loosely
correalate with other errors, such as multiple blocks of "Connection reset
by peer:
JVM_recv in socket input stream read [
Connection reset by peer: JVM_recv in socket input stream read]..."

I do not understand why "init" is being called so many times, and if this
is leading to the multiple "connection reset by peer statements", socket
closed, and other strange errors I see in event log. They do all seem to
happen around the same time. It is not consistent, as at other times I see
init being called maybe 1-3 times as users log on, with no problems. Could
a firewall at a user's site issue be causing any of this?

I would appreciate any thoughts about what might be causing init to be
called so many times in a row.

Thanks in advance, Mary

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