Ok, need more information ?

I call a first servlet that generate html code.
In this html code, I have a tag <IMG... and I call another servlet in this
tag that generates and send an image (PNG).
Everything goes well for the first time but after, tomcat always try to take
the image from the memory (and obviously, the image isn't there because it
was generated by the call of the second servlet).
If I restart Tomcat, it's good for the first time and the same problem
occurs after.
I'm searching how to disabled cache in Tomcat.

On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 20:03:00 +0100, Nic Ferrier

>Martin Lew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I'm searching for a solution for a refreshing problem with Tomcat. Does
>> anybody know how to configure the cache in Tomcat (version 4) ?
>> I read a lot about the problem and servlet were not refreshed correctly
>> after the first time, I have always the same old page. I did testing and I
>> read from many sources and I'm now sure that it's Tomcat (we work with
>> Apache/Tomcat) who cache pages.
>> I know that if I restart Tomcat, servlet will be call correctly but I dont
>> want to restart Tomcat each time I need a call.
>> I need Tomcat to recall my servlet each time because I received an updated
>> image with different (dynamic) data from a database.
>> So I DONT WANT TOMCAT TO CACHE MY PAGES, where I can set or configure
>> options in Tomcat ???
>Let the dog see the rabbit.
>Or... show us the code.
>Nic Ferrier
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