JInspired is pleased to announce early access of its forthcoming distributed
tracing and profiling product JXInsight. JXInsight will extend the unique
and powerful visualizations of JDBInsight to different application
architectural types initially via well defined interceptions points and
eventually dynamic bytecode instrumentation (Java 5).


JDBInsight 3.0 (JXInsight - eXtensible distributed tracing)
- Trace API allowing for custom extension of JDBInsight's JVM profiler and
console (Servlets, CORBA, SOA, EJB methods) [80% complete]
- Java Source Code Console Integration [100% complete]
- Remote runtime system properties viewing [100% complete]
- Code Sources (Jars) and Java Packages added to Call Trace Views [100%
- Runtime Metrics Mode [75% complete]
- Annotations of saved snapshots [100% complete]
- Statistical distributions and sparkline visualizations [70% complete]
- Remote active thread browser [90% complete]
- Database table concurrency analysis added to trace mode views
- Additionally Call Stack Classifications (SOA, JavaServerFaces, Swing,
iBatis) [80% complete]
- Mac OS X port of Agent native lib allowing for running of both console and
- Java 5 runtime shipped with installer used for running console

Early Access Release Notes
- Added new view, Distributed Traces Table, to Traces perspective within
Profile showing the selected trace (sequence) distributed across processed
and machines. A single client request can be traced in terms of resource
usage (memory) across processes and machines.
- Fixed a bug related to unmounting of mounted directories.
- Added new sample snapshot showing servlet/jsp tracing support running
inside the JIRA Issue Tracking application
- Fixed minor issues within tracing framework
- Add Servlet/JSP tracing support via an implementation of
javax.servlet.Filter. The following changes made to a web.xml file will
result in profiling at the jsp level.



<!-- alternatively for all urls -->

The servlet filter can be configured to delimit a servlet trace into
distinct trace identifiers using the following initialization parameter




Variables must be delimited by a comma. The list of variables are:


- Added menu command to shutdown the JVM of a server or a cluster of servers
- Added new view, Leaf Traces Table, to Traces perspective within Profile
showing the leaf nodes of ancestor tree nodes
- Added icons and enhanced callstack classifications for JMS
- Added VisiBroker Trace Interceptor adaptor that supports distributed
profiling and tracing of calls across multiple CORBA client and servers
including Borland AppServer 4.5 and Borland Enterprise Server 5 and 6. To
install perform the following steps for all Java CORBA (IIOP/ RMI-IIOP)
clients and servers to be traced.

1. Include the jdbidriver.jar on the classpath of the Java process.
2. Specify the following JVM parameter (see install guide for additional
library command options) -Xrunjdbinsight
3. Specify the following JVM system property

Traces started on the client process will be transfered to the server
process and appended to the trace root before server dispatching. Creating a
cluster of servers and clients and taking a snapshot will allow for
distributed profiling and tracing within the console.

- Updated filters config to exclude org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl
- Changed default value of trace root system property to

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