On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 16:24, lovis <j.s...@fz-juelich.de> wrote:
> hi patrick,
> first thank you for your reply.
> i just want to run again my buildout. (no upgrade)

In that case,

start using the option
allow-picked-versions = False
at least for your deployment configuration

Your buildout will then fail, telling you that it picked some package
at version X

That means, that you did not specify a version in your buildout config,
and because you forbid buildout to choose versions on its own, it will
not build.

So next thing to do is to create a separate cfg with version information and let
your buildout.cfg extend from that.

You might call it picked-versions.cfg and add all versions that are not pinned

If you would still have a running buildout config, you could now experiment with
the buildout dumppickedversions that would give you all versions ready to dump
into a picked-versions.cfg

Since this is not possible any longer, try to regenerate that list with a small
shell script and your egg directory on your deployment environment.
I am afraid to say that this might not be enough for fixing everything, but
that should help you to straighten things out.

Things get easier with plone 3.2, where plone provides a list of good
versions under
an url such as http://dist.plone.org/release/3.2/versions.cfg
That you could add to your buildout.cfg, but for plone 3.1 this does not exist
as far as I know. this versions.cfg might still be a start, since you
can be sure that
packages should have a higher version than specified there.

You might get faster help on irc.freenode.org btw. #zope.de for example.

Best regards and good luck!


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