Op 24-03-11 21:03, nikolaj schreef:
Ive tried Standalone with Data.fs and now managed to setup RelStorage with
PostgreSQL, but Im in doubt - should I go with ZEO?

Could someone please elaborate the pros and cons between RelStorage and ZEO.
The setup is going to work for 35 users with EasyNewsletter, Ploneboard,
Blog, Gallery, MS and PDF context search and WebDAV.

Look at

- According to some tests, RelStorage handles high concurrency better than the standard combination of ZEO and FileStorage. (It may be wise to run some performance tests yourself.)

- Whereas FileStorage takes longer to start as the database grows due to an in-memory index of all objects, RelStorage starts quickly regardless of database size.

- Capable of failover to replicated SQL databases.

A Data.fs is still the standard way to deploy Plone and no one will fault you for doing so. Relstorage is a solid solution as well though, and I have the feeling it is gaining more popularity.

See also the zodb-dev mailing list for discussions on the zodb in either filestorage or relstorage form:
(also available via gmane)


Maurits van Rees
Web App Programmer at Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl
Personal website: http://maurits.vanrees.org/

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