
I visited with him, along with Dennis Cote, in November 2004, during the SEMA 

We had only planned on being there about 2 hours, but, we ended up staying 
there all day.

He was definitely proud of the Shelby Dodges and it showed.  Lots of 
visitors/potential customers wanted to talk to Bob in person or on the 
telephone.  He always came back to us after his business with that person was 
concluded.  If he introduced us to anyone during that day, he would always 
mention that here were a couple of guys that were into the Shelby Dodges.  You 
could see on some of their faces that they didn't know what he was talking 
about, but, they would go along and say something polite.

Same thing when he would introduce us around to the various employees at Shelby 
American.  He would introduce us as Shelby Dodge guys.  They would smile and be 
polite, but, you could almost hear their thoughts, "There are people that like 
those cars?".

While we were waiting for Bob in the lobby, we were perused the Gift Shop, to 
pass the time.  We overheard a bit of conversation between a lady and a man.  
The lady was, I believe, in charge of the Shelby Heart Fund.  There was a 
mention of the Shelby Dodges.  I can't remember the conversation now, but, I 
recall her attitude as being, "Why would anyone want one of those Dodges?", 
with the gentleman chuckling along with her.  I really wanted to say something, 
but, decided not to make a show of it.  Basically, that was the only negative 
thing I can recall during the whole visit.  Really disappointing that someone 
associated with the SHF, which was created, I believe, at the same time as the 
Shelby Dodges, would say what she said.  I guess that means that the former 
person associated with SHF, Herlita Natividad, isn't doing it anymore.  At 
least she drove a 1989 Shelby CSX-VNT with a SHF Bumper Sticker on it.

I'll tell you what, if there was ever a time to show the Ford guys that Shelby 
Dodges existed, it would be at the parking lot at Shelby American during the 
SEMA Convention in early November.  Picture this, 30 Shelby Dodges of all 
varieties in the parking lot of Shelby American during SEMA. SEMA attendees, 
including the International Attendees, pulling up in the buses to see the 
latest Ford Mustang and Ford Cobra incarnations that Shelby American has to 
offer, looking at lesser known Shelby Dodges in the parking lot.  I think that 
would make a statement.  Not likely to happen, but, it sounds cool.

Bob even insisted on treating us out to lunch at his favorite lunch spot just 
because we went through the trouble of visiting and talking Shelby Dodges.  
What a guy!!

With Bob's passing away, I sincerely doubt you will find anyone left at Shelby 
American, interested or wanting to talk about the Shelby Dodges.  Except for 
Carroll Shelby, if he's there, and not on the go.

Me and Dennis did see Carroll, prior to us leaving.  He went back to SA right 
after closing time, probably to miss the crowds.  He had been at the SEMA 
Convention the whole day doing lots of interviews.  We did get a photo with CS 
and BM before we left.  CS drove his '89 CSX-VNT #001 to SEMA.  :)



Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 16:14:35 -0700
From: "Joe Anderson" 
Subject: SD> Re: Remembering Bob Marsh - Shelby Automobiles

He was the only one, a least bit interested in my 87 CSX, dash plaque
says Proto 1.
This was when I went to the 1997 Shelby Grand Opening, in Las Vegas, and
started talking to different people in charge at the plant.
He managed to dig up some information about it,and rare photos (as it
remained un-sold in Whittier until the others were gone). 

Later, Joe
Renton, WA

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