back in 98 when I got my first 86 turbo Z which had been in a field for 2 
years before I got it, it was infested. I stripped the interior and it still 
smelled, even with the interior out. the mice had gotten behind the dash and 
into the air vents. I pulled the instrument cluster out last summer to check 
another 86 turbo Z's to see if it worked and found more nests in there, so be 
ready to take everything apart. 
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 06:58:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: SD> Mouse smells in stored car.

I pulled a Shelby Charger from a field that had mice in it. I steam
cleaned, simple green'd, you name it, but there was still that
"smell" especially on hot days. yuck.
So one afternoon I went nuts and dismantled the interior and found
a few little nests behind the plastic trim which were the root
cause. Once those were gone it was fine, but the moral of the story
is, be prepared for a THOROUGH cleaning!!
The fun part about those mice was the nest with a dead one getting
shot out the tailpipe after firing the car up after being dormant
for two years... LOL

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> Anyone have a sure fire way to kill the smell of mice that were
> in a car.  I bought my GLHS and it had mice at one time or
> another.  I'm about to gut the car and do a thorough cleaning,
> but want to make sure I kill the smell completely.  Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Bob Doherty 
> Coon Rapids, MN. 
> 89 Daytona Shelby TII 
> 89 LeBaron GTC Convert TII 
> 86 Shelby Charger TI 
> Shelby GLHS #784
> 85 GLH T 
> 68 AMC AMX #5816 
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