I know you may not be interested in Hand outs but if you got paypal I'd shoot you a couple of bucks to help out with bills and such man

Garret Werstiuk

Subject: SD> I'm not saying good bye, I'm sayin so long..
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2007 05:02:10 EDT

The end of an era..

Unfortunately, I have to take a leave of the Dodge world due to medical
I'm physically unable to work on my own vehicle let alone do simple tasks.

"Ramlet" has found a good home and the new owner is picking it up soon.

Read the description to the right of the video,
it'll explain a bit on my end of things.

take it easy and keep those front tires diggin for more..

Throttle Open, Eyes shut.

Chris Pauluk - Modesto CA

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