The First University of Shi'a

Undoubtedly, the second half of the second century
of Hijra has been a critical chapter in the history of Islam. At a time
when Abbasids and Umayyads were tearing each other apart like wild
beasts to take the reins of the Islamic dynasty into their own hands
and like vultures, they were attacking each other on the corpse of
khilafat, the so-called Islamic one, the true leaders grasped the
suitable opportunity to expand the realities of Islam and propagate the
Qur'anic teachings. Two of our exalted Imams took the most advantage of
these opportunities.

The fifth Imam Hazrat Baqerul Ulum (the analyzer of science) [a]
laid the foundation of a university and prepared the way in such a
manner that all interested people were attracted there and all seekers
of knowledge gathered around to acquire different sciences from all
over the world. Similarly, our 6th Imam Ja'far b. Muhammad [a] could
teach thousands of capable persons in the different fields of arts and
sciences and introduced the Shi'a Ja'fary sect to the world. Actually
he presented the real outlook of Islam to the people of the world
because the realities of Islam were changed completely during the
caliphate of Umayyads and Marwans. This was due to the improper acts of
the caliphs and the people were bewildered and puzzled.




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