Hi Chris,

2009/4/19 Chris Chabot <chab...@google.com>:
> It seems the change to the features location (from /shindig/features to
> /shindig/features/src/main/javascript/features) was also applied to the
> 1.0.x branch recently, without updating php's path configuration, which
> means that 'stable' branch has been broken for a while.

My fault. I did this change before starting the release.
The main goal is to improve the maintenance when applying future
patches on both branches.

> I know Paul switched over the trunk a while back, but he also modified php's
> config ... I wasn't aware that someone had done the same to the *stable*
> branch too without making the required modifications or notifying me... it's

IMHO reading svn commits should be enough but ok it is time consuming...
To help you:
* we could have this dev convention when modifying shared folders:
ping the dev list.
* Is it possible to include php in Hudson? Also, what about including
the both branches in Hudson?

> a bit of a shock to find that the *stable* branch that i've been pointing
> everyone too, has been broken for a while.

Only for less than a week and no complaints on dev@ :)

> Fix's been committed to the 1.0.x branch, so I hope you'll be able to
> generate new snapshots so we won't keep propagating broken code.
> Oh ps, when talking about PHP there are no 'binaries' nor 'artifacts', or
> even 'source'; With PHP the source is the binary (even with binary op-code
> caching it's still an inherently interpreted language), and artifacts used
> to describe old stuff in Indiana Jones movies :) So the correct terminology
> would be 'the PHP tarbals' or something similar.

Thanks for this clarification.

> On first inspection the generated php archives look good, but I'll do a full
> end to end test to make doubly sure, after the above happened I don't feel
> comfortable making any assumptions (why oh why would people do breaking
> things on stable and fix-only branches ;/)

Waiting for your go to restart the release.

Cheers and thanks for the review!


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