Hi, Fernando,

Sorry for the late reply. In the past days, I just dived into mxboard and
prepared some materials to answer your questions. Unfortunately, I find
that my proposal is rejected. So sad.  Although the result is not what I
expected, I sincerely hope that the ideas in my initial proposal is helpful
for Shogun.  (PS: There maybe several little problems in the idea that
writing a standlone logger in C++. We may discuss it in the future)

Many thanks for your help. I look forward to working with you in the future.

Albert Sun

2018年4月20日星期五,Fernando J. Iglesias García <fernando.iglesi...@gmail.com> 写道:

> Hi Albert,
> Thanks a lot for your e-mail. Your interest is very much appreciated.
> I think your idea is reasonable and makes sense. One of Shogun's children
> projects, Tapkee, is in fact built in that way: it is a standalone
> header-only library, and additionally it is included in Shogun. I am
> guessing this could be the reason why tflogger is a separate repo as well.
> It would be a good idea to include Giovanni and Viktor in this
> conversation. In fact, it is preferable to keep this type of discussion in
> the open in the mailing list. You can of course add anybody in the senders
> list directly, when you consider it appropriate. All in all, the
> shogun-list should be in the CC list at least.
> A couple of follow-up questions.
> - What would you like to refactor in tflogger?
> - What do you find problematic in the proposal?
> Of course, feel free to open an issue and document your initiative.
> Cheers,
> Fernando.
> On 19 April 2018 at 15:45, Jinquan Sun <jasonjinq...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all:
>>      I am Albert Sun (github url: https://github.com/sunalbert). I have
>> applied the GSoC2018 project about "Inside the black box" in Shogun.
>>      Recently, I investigate the feasible ways to refine the TensorBoard
>> integration. The following two projects may provide some ideas for us:
>>      1. dmlc/tensorboard <https://github.com/dmlc/tensorboard>
>>      2. awslabs/mxboard <https://github.com/awslabs/mxboard>
>> Both two project aims to deliver a visualization solution for MXNet
>> users. Compared to dmlc/tensorboard <https://github.com/dmlc/tensorboard>,
>> the awslabs/mxboard <https://github.com/awslabs/mxboard> can support
>> text, audio ,curve, embedding visualization. In my initial proposal, I
>> proposed to integrate the TensorBoard APIs into a higher wrapper level.
>> Thanks to the above projects, now I think we can rewrite the log toolkit in
>> C++ , which can handle various data types. Besides, we can enable it
>> support multiple languages with the help of SWIG. The most ideal result is
>> that the toolkit does not depend on Shogun, thus we can provide the toolkit
>> for various machine/deep learning toolkit. This will be very cool. As a
>> start, I'd like to refactor the shogun-toolbox/tflogger
>> <https://github.com/shogun-toolbox/tflogger>.
>>      This proposal is rough and even problematic. I look forward to your
>> suggestions. If you think the proposal is feasible, I'd like to open a new
>> issue in github to list the details of it.
>> Best,
>> Albert Sun

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