On 5/19/2018 7:04 PM, Tom Eastep wrote:
> On 05/19/2018 09:51 AM, Tom Eastep wrote:
>> On 05/19/2018 04:01 AM, Matt Darfeuille wrote:
>>> On 5/18/2018 4:48 PM, Tom Eastep wrote:
>>>> On 05/18/2018 07:36 AM, Matt Darfeuille wrote:
>>>>> On 5/8/2018 4:49 PM, Tom Eastep wrote:
>>>>>> On 05/08/2018 05:57 AM, Matt Darfeuille wrote:
>>>>>>> Tom, with little modification to the release script, support could be
>>>>>>> added to also push the checked out branch of the web repo.
>>>>>>> This would asume that the trunk, release and web repositories are clean!
>>>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>>> Sounds like a good idea. I'll need to change my release workflow,
>>>>>> however, since I generally update the web site *after* I have uploaded
>>>>>> the release.
>>>>> Tom, I'm almost done rebasing my local branch, but if I understand the
>>>>> above correctly you would like that the publish step comes after the
>>>>> upload step?:
>>>>> ... upload $BASEVERSION
>>>>> ... publish index.html
>>>>> I'm rereading everything just in case I would have missed something! :)
>>>> Hi Matt,
>>>> Yes -- I would prefer that order so that, if the upload fails for some
>>>> reason, the website will still reflect the latest version that users can
>>>> download.
>>> The following patches will do that! :)
>>> I also include one other patch that will abort the upload and publish
>>> scripts execution if the commands were to fail.
>>> What do you think?
>> Looks good!
> ... although, I think that 'release' should abort if 'upload' fails.

The following patches will do that!

- Abort 'release' script execution if non-zero exit status is returned
by 'upload' or 'publish'


Matt Darfeuille

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