I've become a little stuck on setting up ipset correctly. I followed the instructions from an email as follows:


and in Rules at end

ADD(SW_DBL4:src)    net    $FW

and after some testing everything seemed to be working all OK. Using Shorewall

I have port 80 (web server) and 25 (Postfix server) open in my Rules file. Internal network using on eth1

But as soon as I tried using the browser on my local network machine web sites, like Facebook, just stopped working.

I've tried to find a simple (I'm no IT specialist, just home hobbyist) explanation as to what I have done wrong or missed, and seemed to have hit a brick wall.

If someone could point me in right direction I would be very gratefully.

Kind Regards, Nigel Aves.

In case it helps, here is my rules file.

DHCPfwd/ACCEPT    loc    fw
DHCPfwd/ACCEPT    $FW    loc
# Accept for web -server
ACCEPT    net    $FW        tcp    80
# no ssl
#  ACCEPT    net    $FW           tcp    443
# Turn FTP off when not transfering files from VideoKing
#  FTP/ACCEPT    net    fw    -    21
#  ACCEPT    net    $FW    tcp    6000:6100
######  use Webmin while away, turn off when returned. Here is the setting
# Don't forget to turn on for trips.
# ACCEPT    net    $FW     tcp    1xxxx
SMTP/ACCEPT    net    $FW    -    25
DNS(ACCEPT)    $FW        net
#    Accept DNS connections from the firewall to the network
SSH(ACCEPT)    loc        $FW
#    Accept SSH connections from the local network for administration
Ping(ACCEPT)    loc        $FW
#    Allow Ping from the local network
## Internal accepts
#Cable TV forward
DNAT    net    loc:    udp    27177
DNAT    net    loc:    udp    27178
DNAT    net    loc:    tcp    27177
DNAT    net    loc:    tcp    27178
ACCEPT             loc        $FW          tcp
ACCEPT             loc        $FW          udp
DNS(ACCEPT)      loc        $FW
SMB(ACCEPT)      loc        $FW
SMB(ACCEPT)      $FW        loc
DNS(ACCEPT)      phone        $FW
# Drop Ping from the "bad" net zone.. and prevent your log from being flooded..
Ping(DROP)    net        $FW
ACCEPT        $FW        loc        icmp
ACCEPT        $FW        net        icmp
ACCEPT        $FW        phone        icmp
# turn on ipset to stop testing ports from outside
# ADD(SW_DBL4:src)    net    $FW

<<attachment: nigel.vcf>>

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