Shorewall 5.1.11 is now available for download.

Problems Corrected:

1)  This release contains defect repair from releases through

2)  Previously, if DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=ipset,disconnect..., the CLI would
    verify the existence of the 'conntrack' utility on the local system
    when the command was 'remote-start', 'remote-reload' or
    'remote-restart'. Now, that verification is only done for the
    blacklist-oriented commands ('blacklist', 'allow', 'drop', etc.).

3)  Previously, when DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST=ipsec..., the CLI required the
    firewall to be started in order to run the 'allow' command. Now,
    the command only requires that the dynamic blacklist ipset

4)  Previously, if an address variable was used in the stoppedrules
    file, the 'clear' command could fail in two different ways,
    depending on whether the related interface was optional or not.

    If the interface was optional, the failure message was similar to
    the following:

       $ shorewall clear
       Clearing Shorewall....
       Preparing iptables-restore input...
       /var/lib/shorewall/firewall: 3064: [: !=: unexpected operator
       Running /sbin/iptables-restore...
       IPv4 Forwarding Enabled

    If the interface was not optional, the result was similar to:

       $ shorewall debug clear
       Clearing Shorewall....
       Preparing iptables-restore input...
       Running debug_restore_input...
       Bad argument `6'
       Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
          ERROR: Command "/sbin/iptables --wait -t filter -A INPUT -s
 -d  -p 6 --dport 22 -i enp2s0 -j ACCEPT"

    This problem has been corrected.

5)  Previously, the 'clear' command enabled forwarding
    unconditionally. Beginning with this release, 'clear' will
    conditionally enable/disable forwarding in the same manner as

6)  In multi-ISP configurations, it is possible for an IPSEC-tunneled
    connection from the Internet to be forwarded back out to the
    Internet (for example, if all traffic from the remote endpoint is
    sent through the tunnel). If the provider handling the tunnel has
    the 'track' option (or if TRACK_PROVIDERS=Yes), then the outgoing
    tunneled connection is sent back out that interface by
    default (since the encapsulated initial packet arrived through that
    interface). Since this is not always desirable, Shorewall now
    clears the tracking mark on the connection while processing the
    first packet, allowing the connection to not match routing rules
    that are dependent on the tracking mark.

New Features:

1)  Previously, the 'show' command was not available to non-root
    users. Beginning with this release, non-root users may now
    run the following 'show' commands:

        show action <action>
        show actions
        show ip
        show macro <macro>
        show macros
        show routing

2)  When a RATE is specified on a policy, the rate is enforced in a
    chain whose name begins with '@' (e.g., @net-dmz). Previously, log
    messages in the chain omitted the '@', leading to possible
    confusion. Beginning with this release, the log message will
    reflect the chain's actual name (including the '@').

3)  To improve efficiency, TCP CT entries in the conntrack file and
    TCP entries in the rules file that specify a HELPER will now
    assume that 'tcp:syn' had been specified. That way, the generated
    ip[6]tables rule will only match on the first packet of the
    three-way handshake.

4)  Now that the route caches have been removed from the kernel,
    Multi-ISP really doesn't work without the 'track' provider option.
    As a consequence, TRACK_PROVIDERS=Yes is now the default. Note that
    the 'track' option may still be turned off using 'notrack', when

Thank you for using Shorewall,

Tom Eastep        \   Q: What do you get when you cross a mobster with
Shoreline,         \     an international standard?
Washington, USA     \ A: Someone who makes you an offer you can't \   understand

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