When you say that the LAN can't connect to the internet, are the LAN devices 
using for their gateway?

Since you been through many revisions of your Shorewall configuration, it would 
helpful to list the following files again:

I noticed in your messages:
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..End inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "Invalid(DROP) net all tcp" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SSH...
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "PARAM - - tcp 22" Compiled
You're blocking all incoming TCP from the internet so your SSH ACCEPT rule will
never be reached.

Your policy:
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for net to fw is DROP using chain net-all
so you don't need the "Invalid(DROP)" rule.

I don't see anything wrong with your IP addresses or routes.


On 1/31/2018 9:02 AM, Bernard Drozd wrote:
>What is the contents of /etc/shorewall/snat?
SNAT(    enp1s0
I receive private address (configured as static) from my ISP 
which is seen as public 46.xxx.xxx.xxx

>Also show the output of these two commands run on the Shorewall/gateway 
>ip -o -4 addr
>ip -o -4 route
ela@akacja:~$ ip -o -4 addr
1: lo    inet scope host lo\       valid_lft forever preferred_lft 
2: enp1s0    inet brd scope global enp1s0\     
  valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: enp3s0f1    inet brd scope global enp3s0f1\       
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
5: wlp4s0    inet brd scope global wlp4s0\       
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
ela@akacja:~$ ip -o -4 route
default via dev enp1s0 proto static dev enp3s0f1 proto kernel scope link src dev wlp4s0 proto kernel scope link src dev enp1s0 proto kernel scope link src

>Are there any messages in the log?
Jan 31 14:43:23 Processing /etc/shorewall/params ...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Processing /etc/shorewall/shorewall.conf...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Loading Modules...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling /etc/shorewall/zones...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling /etc/shorewall/interfaces...
Jan 31 14:43:23    Interface "net enp1s0 detect tcpflags,logmartians,nosmurfs" 
Jan 31 14:43:23    Interface "loc enp3s0f1 detect dhcp" Validated
Jan 31 14:43:23    Interface "loc wlp4s0 detect dhcp" Validated
Jan 31 14:43:23 Determining Hosts in Zones...
Jan 31 14:43:23    fw (firewall)
Jan 31 14:43:23    net (ipv4)
Jan 31 14:43:23       enp1s0:
Jan 31 14:43:23    loc (ipv4)
Jan 31 14:43:23       enp3s0f1:
Jan 31 14:43:23       wlp4s0:
Jan 31 14:43:23 Locating Action Files...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling /etc/shorewall/policy...
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for loc to net is ACCEPT using chain loc-net
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for fw to net is ACCEPT using chain fw-net
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for net to fw is DROP using chain net-all
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for net to loc is DROP using chain net-all
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for fw to net is REJECT using chain all-all
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for fw to loc is REJECT using chain all-all
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for net to fw is REJECT using chain all-all
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for net to loc is REJECT using chain all-all
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for loc to fw is REJECT using chain all-all
Jan 31 14:43:23    Policy for loc to net is REJECT using chain all-all
Jan 31 14:43:23 Adding Anti-smurf Rules
Jan 31 14:43:23 Adding rules for DHCP
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling TCP Flags filtering...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling Kernel Route Filtering...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling Martian Logging...
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling /etc/shorewall/snat...
Jan 31 14:43:23     Snat record "SNAT( enp1s0" 
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling MAC Filtration -- Phase 1...
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain enp1s0_iop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain enp1s0_fop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain enp3s0f1_iop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain enp3s0f1_fop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain enp3s0f1_oop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain wlp4s0_iop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain wlp4s0_fop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23    Chain wlp4s0_oop deleted
Jan 31 14:43:23 Compiling /etc/shorewall/rules...
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..Expanding inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid...
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..End inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..Expanding inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid...
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..End inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "Invalid(DROP) net all tcp" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SSH...
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "PARAM - - tcp 22" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SSH
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "SSH(ACCEPT) loc fw" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.Ping...
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "PARAM - - icmp 8" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.Ping
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "Ping(ACCEPT) loc fw" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.Ping...
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "PARAM - - icmp 8" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.Ping
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "Ping(DROP) net fw" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "ACCEPT fw loc icmp" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:23     Rule "ACCEPT fw net icmp" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 6535" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "ACCEPT net fw udp 6534" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 1007" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "ACCEPT net fw tcp 22" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 Compiling /etc/shorewall/conntrack...
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:amanda:PO - - udp 10080" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:amanda:PO - - udp 10080" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:ftp:PO - - tcp 21" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:ftp:PO - - tcp 21" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:RAS:PO - - udp 1719" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:RAS:PO - - udp 1719" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:Q.931:PO - - tcp 1720" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:Q.931:PO - - tcp 1720" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:irc:PO - - tcp 6667" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:irc:PO - - tcp 6667" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:netbios-ns:PO - - udp 137" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:netbios-ns:PO - - udp 137" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:pptp:PO - - tcp 1723" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:pptp:PO - - tcp 1723" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:sane:PO - - tcp 6566" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:sane:PO - - tcp 6566" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:sip:PO - - udp 5060" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:sip:PO - - udp 5060" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:snmp:PO - - udp 161" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:snmp:PO - - udp 161" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:tftp:PO - - udp 69" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24    Conntrack rule "CT:helper:tftp:PO - - udp 69" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 Compiling MAC Filtration -- Phase 2...
Jan 31 14:43:24 Applying Policies...
Jan 31 14:43:24    Policy ACCEPT from fw to net using chain fw-net
Jan 31 14:43:24 Compiling /usr/share/shorewall/action.Reject for chain Reject...
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.AllowICMPs...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - icmp fragmentation-needed" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - icmp time-exceeded" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.AllowICMPs
Jan 31 14:43:24 Compiling /usr/share/shorewall/action.Broadcast for chain 
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid...
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SMB...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp 135,445" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule " PARAM - - udp 137:139" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp 1024: 137" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - tcp 135,139,445" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SMB
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropUPnP...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp 1900" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropUPnP
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.NotSyn...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "DROP - - ;;+ -p 6 ! --syn" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.NotSyn
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropDNSrep...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp - 53" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropDNSrep
Jan 31 14:43:24    Policy REJECT from fw to loc using chain fw-loc
Jan 31 14:43:24 Compiling /usr/share/shorewall/action.Drop for chain Drop...
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.AllowICMPs...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - icmp fragmentation-needed" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - icmp time-exceeded" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.AllowICMPs
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid...
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.Invalid
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SMB...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp 135,445" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule " PARAM - - udp 137:139" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp 1024: 137" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - tcp 135,139,445" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.SMB
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropUPnP...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp 1900" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropUPnP
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.NotSyn...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "DROP - - ;;+ -p 6 ! --syn" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End inline action /usr/share/shorewall/action.NotSyn
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..Expanding Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropDNSrep...
Jan 31 14:43:24     Rule "PARAM - - udp - 53" Compiled
Jan 31 14:43:24 ..End Macro /usr/share/shorewall/macro.DropDNSrep
Jan 31 14:43:24    Policy DROP from net to fw using chain net-fw
Jan 31 14:43:24    Policy DROP from net to loc using chain net-loc
Jan 31 14:43:24    Policy REJECT from loc to fw using chain loc-fw
Jan 31 14:43:24    Policy ACCEPT from loc to net using chain loc-net
Jan 31 14:43:24 Generating Rule Matrix...
Jan 31 14:43:24    Handling complex zones...
Jan 31 14:43:24    Entering main matrix-generation loop...
Jan 31 14:43:24    Chain enp1s0_in deleted
Jan 31 14:43:24    Chain enp1s0_fwd deleted
Jan 31 14:43:24    Finishing matrix...
Jan 31 14:43:24 Creating iptables-restore input...
Jan 31 14:43:24 Shorewall configuration compiled to /var/lib/shorewall/.start
Jan 31 14:43:24 Starting Shorewall....
Jan 31 14:43:24 Initializing...
Jan 31 14:43:24 Setting up Route Filtering...
Jan 31 14:43:24 Setting up Martian Logging...
Jan 31 14:43:24 Disabling Kernel Automatic Helper Association
Jan 31 14:43:24 Preparing iptables-restore input...
Jan 31 14:43:24 Running /sbin/iptables-restore ...
Jan 31 14:43:24 IPv4 Forwarding Enabled
Jan 31 14:43:24 done.


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