Hi Justin,

Many thanks for getting back to me. I actually think I've managed to sort it 
out myself. What I did to get it working was (after changing USE__DEFAULT_RT to 
yes) to add another provider for my VPN connection. so that my providers file 
now looks like this:

VPS     1       1       -               tun4            -               track   
TT      2       2       -               enp5s5f1        my.external.ip  
track,balance   -

Then I needed to stop specifying the gatewayin my OS network config, remove 
redirect-gateway def1 (as you suggest below) from my openvpn client config and 
add some extra entries in my mangle file so that (using the example I gave 
before), it would now look like this:

MARK(1):O       $FW   
MARK(2):O       $FW             ip.of.the.other.end.of.my.vpn

I'm not 100% sure that this is necessarily the correct way to do this, but it 
certainly seems to work now.

Thanks again,


On 09/09/18 22:00, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 08:30:36PM +0100, Ben Webber wrote:
>> I have a connection to the internet (talktalk) and an openvpn connection to 
>> a provider that uses redirect-gateway def1 to add entries to the main 
>> routing table
> [...]
>> Currently I have USE_DEFAULT_RT=No set in shorewall.conf. I then have an 
>> entry in providers as follows (where the external IP of my internet 
>> connection has been replaced with my.external.ip):
>> TT      2       2       main            enp5s5f1        my.external.ip   
>> track   wlp5s6,wlp5s6_0,enp5s5f0,virbr1,tun1,tun3
>> My openvpn connection uses tun4 as an interface. In mangle, I have several 
>> entries to tell certain traffic to go via the ISP, here is an example of one 
>> of the entries:
>> MARK(2):P
>> This configuration works fairly well, but I would like to be able to set 
>> USE_DEFAULT_RT=Yes in shorewall.conf, however so far, no matter what I do I 
>> can't seem to get the configuration right for this to work in the way I want.
> What doesn't work about it ?
> I think you'll want to disable openvpn's "def1" stuff:
> http://shorewall.org/MultiISP.html#USE_DEFAULT_RT
> |  5. You should disable all default route management outside of Shorewall. 
> If a default route is inadvertently added to the main table while
> |     Shorewall is started, then all policy routing will stop working except 
> for those routing rules in the priority range 1-998.
> Note also:
> | 2. The balance option is assumed for all interfaces that do not have the 
> loose option. When you want both balance and loose, both must be          
> |    specified.                                                               
> Further:
> shorewall.net/manpages/shorewall-interfaces.html
> | There are certain cases where routefilter cannot be used on an interface:
> | ·   If USE_DEFAULT_RT=Yes in shorewall.conf[12](5) and the interface is 
> listed in shorewall-providers[18](5).
> Justin

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