On 06/11/2018 18:42, ObNox wrote:

Shouldn't all options accepting a "[directory]" argument set the
internal "${g_confdir}" variable to the specified directory?

No. Specifying a directory simply pushes that directory onto the front

If you don't plan to provide some kind of way (a new env var perhaps?) to know for sure Shorewall is using a custom directory for configuration, please tell me and I'll craft something on my own to circumvent this shortcoming.

A bit of research seems to show that there's a $g_shorewalldir which holds the needed information.

But, I wonder why it's not available as a variable in "params" file.

Perhaps some kind of "g_custom_confdir" new variable would be nice with a minimal impact on existing configurations ?

Something like :


if [ -n "$g_shorewalldir" ]; then

and export this variable so it would be available everywhere. This would be very useful and would guaranty that every single included file in a custom configuration directory would be correctly included instead of using an "old" fallback in /etc/shorewall if the same file with similar vars/settings already existed.


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