Sorry, my bad....
Here it is as plain text


I'm running shorewall 5.2.8 on a Raspberry with Raspbian Linux 11
Working like a charm except this issue

I'm trying to implement a simple port knocking mechanism as per the documentation.

The first issue is the event reporting:

?format 2
#ACTION               SOURCE         DEST      PROTO      DPORT
                      -              -         tcp        40555
SetEvent(SSH,ACCEPT)  -              -         tcp        62222
                      -              -         tcp        40555

when I type command: shorewall events
I just get SSH without any extra details

The second issue is that it works perfectly on the local subnet but not on the wan interface

rules for local subnet test:

REJECT    net    loc:    all
DROP    loc:    net    all
REJECT    net    loc:    all
DROP    loc:    net    all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
Knock   loc    fw      tcp     40555,62220-62224
ACCEPT    net    fw    udp    9100            #OpenVPN
DROP    net    fw    tcp    40555
DROP    loc     fw      tcp     40555
REJECT  net     fw      tcp     8123

 I have traces in the log:
kernel: [12550.115398] Knock ACCEPT IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=e4:5f:01:d3:f7:d9:9c:eb:e8:74:8b:2f:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=41964 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=35008 DPT=40555 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 MARK=0x400

rules for wan interface test:

REJECT    net    loc:    all
DROP    loc:    net    all
REJECT    net    loc:    all
DROP    loc:    net    all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
DROP net:  all
Knock   net    fw      tcp     40555,62220-62224
ACCEPT    net    fw    udp    9100            #OpenVPN
DROP    net    fw    tcp    40555
REJECT  net     fw      tcp     8123

Nothing displayed in the log about the knock from wan


Jean-Francois Bogaerts

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