On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 04:11:45PM +0100, n...@el-hennig.de wrote:
> Hi
> I tried to reflash my freerunner with the ubi image of last weekend 
> (including the latest qi-ubi and kernel image). So far the flashing seems to 
> be ok - no error messages.
> However the first boot leads to a kernel panic (cannot initilize mtd6. Any 
> else have this problem? Are ther any hints how to get the images running? Or, 
> which image defintiely works?

mtd6 doesn't look like root= param passed by qi-ubi

have you tried to mount nand rootfs while running from uSD?
3) on http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Ubifs


Martin 'JaMa' Jansa     jabber: martin.ja...@gmail.com
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