
Some days ago I've read in a German computer magazine about Android
security bugs where URL's of the form tel:.... are directly send down
from the browser to the modem and mal ware web sides include so called
special dial codes to manipulate (invalidate PIN/PUK) your SIM card or
do even stuff more worse. So far so good (and Android users deserve it).

The issue let me ask:
- Is there a list of such special codes the modem of our FR understands,
  for example to switch off calling party number presentation to the
  remote side, or others?
- Can the normal SHR dialer application be used to send them to the modem
  and represent the answer of the modem, or are there other applications
  for this in SHR?


Matthias Apitz               |  /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign: www.asciiribbon.org
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