Hi Alvaro,

Thank you very much for this thorough and detailed set of comments.

They greatly help improve the clarity, accuracy, and presentation in the 

I have worked with each of the comments and incorporated changes accordingly

in the document. Please see version-19 that was just submitted.

Many thanks to Sean Turner for his help with the updated IANA considerations 

My responses to your individual comments are shown below and are marked with 

Let me know if the pdf opens OK for you.

Also, please let me know if I missed anything.



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So I have copied and pasted here the text from the pdf.

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Dear authors:

Hi!  First of all, thank you for taking on the duties of editing this document.

I have several comments (see below).  For the most part, I think they should be 
easy to solve as many are related to clarifications.  Most of the comments I 
classified as Major are due to the use of Normative language.

The biggest concern I have with this document is the lack of an Operations and 
Management Considerations Section – please take a look at RFC5706 (Guidelines 
for Considering Operations and Management of New Protocols and Protocol 
Extensions).  Some of the information suggested there is present in 
draft-ietf-sidr-bgpsec-ops, and (ironically) in the “Design and Deployment 
Considerations” section of draft-ietf-sidr-bgpsec-overview.  However, important 
items such as migration or management are missing.  I would like to see a well 
thought out Operations and Management Section in this document before moving it 
forward.  Note that I’m not suggesting that a YANG model (for example) is 
required to move forward, but I would like to see considerations about 
migration, and the impact on network operations, to mention two items, all in 
one place in the document.  I would like the authors/Chairs/Shepherd/WG to 
consider even merging in draft-ietf-sidr-bgpsec-ops as the base for this new 
section (or at least reference it prominently).

[Sriram] Following the clarifications and additional guidance you provided in 
Seoul (when you, Chris, and I met), I have added a new Section 7 (Operations 
and Management Considerations). The topics you mention above are all covered in 
the new Section 7. Additional responses noted here below under your specific 




M1. Registry Definitions

M1.1. Section 2.1. (The BGPsec Capability) includes a Version field and some 
Reserved bits, but there are no IANA registries defined for how to manage these 
spaces.  Please define the registries and the corresponding registration 

[Sriram] Done. Please see the updated IANA Considerations section.

M1.2. Section 3.1. (Secure_Path) defines the Flags field and assigns the first 
bit (BTW, is that the MSB or the LSB, please clarify), but doesn't set up the 
registry or registration procedures.

[Sriram] It is the MSB (left most bit) and that is now clarified in Section 
3.1. Set up of the registry for the Flags field is now included in the updated 
IANA Considerations section.

M2. Error Handling — Several sections don't have proper error handling 
procedures specified. (This is a management issue that I think is 

[Sriram] Now there is management and operations section (Section 7) added where 
error handling and other ops/mgmt. issues are discussed.

M2.1. Section 2.2. (Negotiating BGPsec Support) doesn't fully specify the error 
handling behavior of the Capability, and it fails open.

[Sriram] See my responses below for M2.1.1.

The new management and operations section (Section 7) covers this case.

M2.1.1. What should the action be if the Version is not 0?

[Sriram]: From Section 2.2:


   update messages without the BGPsec_Path attribute MAY be sent within

   a session regardless of whether or not the use of BGPsec is

   successfully negotiated.”

[Sriram] Based on the above, there is a possibility that BGPsec is not 
successfully negotiated but BGP is session is established – I think that is 
what you are calling fail open. If the intersection of BGPsec capability 
advertisements from both sides does not include Version 0, then BGPsec Version 
0 has not been successfully negotiated. But a BGP session is still negotiated 
and BGP (unsigned) messages are exchanged. I have now included this wording in 
the new ops/mgmt. Section 7.

M2.1.2. "…a BGP speaker MUST NOT advertise the capability of BGPsec support for 
a particular AFI unless it has also advertised the multiprotocol extension 
capability for the same AFI [RFC4760]."  What should happen if it does 
advertise an AFI that is not covered by the multiprotocol extension capability? 
  Or if the multi-protocol capability is not advertised at all?  To clarify: if 
the multi-protocol capability is not advertised then support for BGPsec can’t 
be advertised either – does that mean that a BGP speaker configured to use 
BGPsec must not use it if not negotiated?  I know the answer is “yes”, but I’m 
trying to get to the point of provisioning and expectations – why configure 
BGPsec if no one is expected to support it?

[Sriram]: See response to 2.1.1 above. Also, during early phase of deployment, 
small groups of (consisting of 2 or more) ASes are likely to coordinate and 
deploy BGPsec over contiguous regions (ASes). These regions will grow over time 
and conjoin.  Also based on clarifications you provided in Seoul, I have also 
included error handling considerations for the case when BGPsec resets and some 
necessary condition (like 4-byte ASN or MP-NLRI capability) got dropped in the 

M2.1.3. Missing the four-byte AS capability results in BGPsec not working 
("BGPsec has not been successfully negotiated"), but the ability of exchanging 
routes is still there, leaving the system in a fail open state and potentially 
breaking the chain of ASNs.  Personally, it doesn't seem like a good result — 
please at least include some text about this in the Security Considerations 

[Sriram] Even though BGPsec is not successfully negotiated, the ability of 
exchanging routes is still there – BGP messages are exchanged though not 
BGPsec; it so the chain of ASNs in not really broken (they are not contiguous 
for BGPsec but still contiguous for BGP). This observation is included in the 
new Section 7 (ops/mgmt. section).

M2.2. The definition of the BGPsec_Path Attribute (and its details) don't have 
clear error handling procedures defined (RFC7606).  Section 4.3. (Processing 
Instructions for Confederation Members) does say this: "(As discussed in 
Section 5.2, any error in the BGPsec_Path attribute MUST be handled using the 
"treat-as-withdraw", approach as defined in RFC 7606 [RFC7606].)" (including 
the parentheses).  However, 5,2 only says: "BGPsec speakers MUST handle these 
errors using the "treat-as-withdraw" approach as defined in RFC 7606 
[RFC7606]."   Note: "these errors" is not the same as "any error".  Please 
discuss error handling in a more prominent place. (Hint: it may fit in a fault 
management discussion in the Operations and Management Section.)

[Sriram]  s /As discussed in Section 5.2, any error in the BGPsec_Path 
attribute MUST be handled using the "treat-as-withdraw", approach as defined in 
RFC 7606 [RFC7606]./ As discussed in Section 5.2, any syntactical or protocol 
violation errors in the BGPsec_Path attribute MUST be handled using the 
"treat-as-withdraw" approach as defined in RFC 7606 [RFC7606]./

[Sriram]  Section 4.3 has been updated accordingly.

M2.2.1. There are multiple places in the BGPsec_Path Attribute that could end 
up in an error, everything from setting bits in the Flags field to wrong Length 
fields.  Should all errors result in the same behavior?

[Sriram] Any errors that are syntactical errors or detected to be protocol 
violation errors in the BGPsec_Path attribute should result in the same 
behavior (see above comment). I think the updated Section 5.2 enumerates them 
reasonably well now. But bit errors that may result in change in the value of 
an ASN or a signature would not fall in that category.

M3. Section 4.1. (General Guidance): "When propagating a received route 
advertisement to an internal peer, the BGPsec speaker typically populates the 
BGPsec_Path attribute by copying the BGPsec_Path attribute from the received 
update message.  That is, the BGPsec_Path attribute is copied verbatim…. Note 
that when a BGPsec speaker chooses to forward a BGPsec update message to an 
iBGP peer, the BGPsec attribute SHOULD NOT be removed, unless the peer doesn't 
support BGPsec."  The first part of the guidance says that a new BGPsec_Path 
attribute is created by copying the received attribute (which is then 
presumably removed), but the second part says that the received attribute 
SHOULD NOT be removed.  Please clarify so that there is consistency -- I 
understand that the result is the same, but the description is not and we 
should try to avoid confusion.  Parts of Section 4.2. (Constructing the 
BGPsec_Path Attribute) also talk about actions like "…and there is an existing 
BGPsec_Path attribute, then the BGPsec speaker prepends its new Secure_Path 
Segment (places in first position) onto the existing Secure_Path", which hint 
at propagating a received BGPsec_Path attribute (and not creating a new one).

[Sriram] Yes, agree. We’ll remove redundant and confusing statements and simply 
state the stuff in the first set of quotes as follows (here we avoid using the 
word copying which causes some confusion):

[Sriram] When a BGPsec speaker chooses to forward a BGPsec update message to an 
iBGP peer, the BGPsec_Path attribute SHOULD NOT be removed, unless the peer 
doesn't support BGPsec. In the case when an iBGP peer doesn't support BGPsec, 
then the BGPsec update is reconstructed to a BGP update with AS_PATH and then 
forwarded (see Section 4.4). In particular, when forwarding to a BGPsec capable 
iBGP peer, the BGPsec_Path attribute SHOULD NOT be removed even in the case 
where the BGPsec update message has not been successfully validated.

M4. Section 4.2. (Constructing the BGPsec_Path Attribute) says that "The AS 
number in this Secure_Path segment MUST match the AS number in the AS number 
resource extension field of the Resource PKI router certificate(s) that will be 
used to verify the digital signature(s) constructed by this BGPsec speaker 
[I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-pki-profiles]."  However, there is no extension field or 
certificate in I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-pki-profiles with that name.  Please be 
precise with the names.

[Sriram] Modified as follows: The AS number in this Secure_Path segment MUST 
match the AS number in the Subject field of the Resource PKI router certificate 
that will be used to verify the digital signature constructed by this BGPsec 
speaker (see Section in [I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-pki-profiles] and RFC 
6487 [RFC6487]).

M5. In 4.2: “BGPsec speakers SHOULD drop incoming update messages with pCount 
set to zero in cases where the BGPsec speaker does not expect its peer to set 
pCount to zero.”  This text seems to assume some kind of 
configuration/provisioning.  Note that Section 5.2. (Validation Algorithm) also 
has similar text about receiving an UPDATE “from a peer that is not expected to 
set pCount equal to zero”.

[Sriram] A peer that is an Internet Exchange Point (IXP) (i.e. Route Server) 
with a transparent AS is expected to set pCount = 0 in its Secure_Path segment 
while forwarding an update to a peer (see Section 4.2).  Clearly, such an IXP 
SHOULD configure itself to set its own pCount = 0. As stated in Section 4.2, 
“BGPsec speakers SHOULD drop incoming update messages with pCount set to zero 
in cases where the BGPsec speaker does not expect its peer to set pCount to 
zero.”  This means that a BGPsec speaker SHOULD be configured so that it 
permits pCount =0 from an IXP peer and never permits pCount = 0 from a peer 
that is not an IXP.

Added the above paragraph in the new Section 7.

M6. In 4.2: “If the received BGPsec update message contains two 
Signature_Blocks and the BGPsec speaker supports both of the corresponding 
algorithm suites, then the new update message generated by the BGPsec speaker 
SHOULD include both of the Signature_Blocks.”  Why is this “SHOULD” not a 
“MUST”?   When/why would a speaker remove one or the 2?  If one is removed, 
should there be a requirement that the one that was used to successfully 
validate the update be kept?  Note that Section 7.2 later talks about the 
problems of removing signatures…

[Sriram]  See below.

M6.1. Note that later in this section the text says that “a 'Valid' BGPsec 
update message may contain a Signature_Block which is not deemed 'Valid' (e.g., 
contains signatures that BGPsec does not successfully verify).  Nonetheless, 
such Signature_Blocks MUST NOT be removed.”   Taking this “MUST NOT” along with 
the “SHOULD” above, the door is open to remove the Signature_Block used to 
verify the validity and just forward the one not used (which may itself not be 

[Sriram] Your observations are right. Therefore, we made the following change 
(SHOULD --> MUST): If the received BGPsec update message contains two 
Signature_Blocks and the BGPsec speaker supports both of the corresponding 
algorithm suites, then the new update message generated by the BGPsec speaker 
MUST include both of the Signature_Blocks.

M6.2. Section 5.2. (Validation Algorithm) opens this door even more when saying 
that “If at least one Signature_Block is marked as 'Valid', then the validation 
algorithm terminates and the BGPsec update message is deemed to be 'Valid'.”  
The text here doesn’t require that both Signature_Blocks be verified, but 
implies that as long as the first one is valid then the second one doesn’t 
really need to be verified.  Is that the intent?

[Sriram]  Yes. There is no problem with early termination since both algorithms 
are in use in parallel and either one can be used for verification. In fact, it 
helps with route processor performance to terminate early on a ‘Valid’ outcome 
after successfully verifying one of the Signature_Blocks.

[Sriram]  We have added a para in the new Section 7 on performance enhancement 
during BGPsec update validation.

M7. Section 5. (Processing a Received BGPsec Update) talks about “duplicate 
update messages” (one where “it differs from the first update message only in 
the Signature fields (within the BGPsec_Path attribute)”).

[Sriram]  ECDSA P256 algorithm produces a different set of signature bits when 
it signs the same data again at a later time.

M7.1. “With regards to the processing of duplicate update messages, if the 
first update message is valid, then an implementation SHOULD NOT run the 
validation procedure on the second, duplicate update message (even if the bits 
of the signature field are different).”  Even though a discussion about 
non-deterministic signature algorithms precedes this text, the validation is 
still not run.  How can the validity of the Path be guaranteed in this case?  
Should this be the action for all algorithms or only ones known to be 

[Sriram] Definition of duplicate update for BGPsec: A BGPsec update is a 
duplicate if it is identical to another update in the Adj-RIB-in, including 
SKIs and Algorithm ID, but not including the signatures. If the first update 
message (having the *same SKIs* as the duplicate) is *Valid*, then the 
duplicate’s validity state need not be computed.  If validity of the duplicate 
were computed and found 'Valid', then it gives the router no new information. 
Alternatively, if it were found 'Not Valid', then it only implies that some bit 
errors occurred in the signatures. Therefore, the BGPsec speaker should keep 
the 'Valid' original update and ignore the duplicate. However, if the original 
update were 'Not Valid', then performing validation of the duplicate is 
relevant and SHOULD be done.

[Sriram] Added a paragraph in the new Section 7 (Operations and Management 
Considerations) to include the above observations.

[Sriram] Note that the above applies to both non-deterministic and 
deterministic signature algorithms.

M7.2. rfc4271 (in Section 9. (UPDATE Message Handling) talks about the implicit 
withdraw of a route “if the NLRI of the new route is identical to the one the 
router currently has stored…”.  The same NLRI case seems to be a particular 
condition of the “duplicate update” described here.  It might be a good idea to 
mention that a “duplicate update” results in the implicit withdraw of the 
original update.  What happens if a third duplicate route is received (the 
first one was valid, the second one was not validated), should it be validated?

[Sriram] In RFC 4271, when there is a duplicate update, the NRLI and path and 
all other attributes are identical. There is no implicit withdraw. The router 
keeps what it already has. In the case of BGPsec, a router keeps the original 
if it was valid, and ignores the duplicate. It checks the validity of the 
duplicate only if the original were invalid.

M8. Section 5.1. (Overview of BGPsec Validation) says that "BGPsec specifies no 
changes to the BGP decision process."  However, Section 5. (Processing a 
Received BGPsec Update) also says that "a BGPsec speaker MUST utilize the AS 
path information in the BGPsec_Path attribute in all cases where it would 
otherwise use the AS path information in the AS_PATH attribute."  I'm assuming 
that the Decision Process is included in "all cases".  Even though 5.1 refers 
to the use the validation state in the decision process, please make sure that 
it is clear that the decision process is modified by the use of the different 

[Sriram] I agree that making use of validation state in BGPsec implies a change 
in the decision process.  So we will remove the sentence that says "BGPsec 
specifies no changes to the BGP decision process."

M8.1. Please specifically include a section (or text somewhere) about how the 
information in the BGPsec_Path attribute is used in the Decision Process.  For 
example, how should the "number of AS numbers" in the path be calculated for (Breaking Ties (Phase 2)) in rfc4271?  The text talks about the 
"effective length" being the sum of the pCount values, but the "effective 
length" (at least with that name) is not what is used in rfc4172 — please be 
clear and consistent.

[Sriram] Done the following: s/ effective length of the AS path/ length of the 
AS path/

[Sriram] Paragraph in Section 3.1 updated as follows:

[Sriram] The pCount field contains the number of repetitions of the associated 
autonomous system number that the signature covers.  This field enables a 
BGPsec speaker to mimic the semantics of prepending multiple copies of their AS 
to the AS_PATH without requiring the speaker to generate multiple signatures. 
Note that Section ("Breaking Ties") in [RFC4271] mentions "number of AS 
numbers" in the AS_PATH attribute that is used in the route selection process. 
This metric (number of AS numbers) is the same as the AS path length obtained 
in BGPsec by summing the pCount values in the BGPsec_Path attribute.

M8.2. [minor] Section 3. (The BGPsec_Path Attribute) reads: "The information in 
Secure_Path is used by BGPsec speakers in the same way that information from 
the AS_PATH is used by non-BGPsec speakers."  This is pretty much the same 
information that is in Section 5, but with more specificity.  It would help if 
the more specific case was the one normatively called out.

[Sriram] Made the change -- more specific language (Secure_Path as opposed to 
BGPsec_Path attribute) is now used in Section 5 also.

M9. Section 5.2. (Validation Algorithm).  RFC4271 also specifies a series of 
validity checks when an UPDATE is received (Section 6.3) – should that check be 
run before or after the algorithm specified here?  The algorithm focuses on 
verifying the validity of the BGPsec_Path attribute (and not the whole UPDATE), 
so I’m assuming it should be executed instead of checking the AS_PATH.  Please 
include some text about the interaction/changes.

[Sriram] Section 5.2 has been updated to reflect the above comment.

M9.1.  Section 5.2. (Validation Algorithm): “…then the BGPsec speaker MUST 
treat the update message in the same manner that the BGPsec speaker would treat 
an (unsigned) update message that arrived without a BGPsec_Path attribute.”   
What exactly does this mean?  If the BGPsec_Path attribute is not received, 
then the AS_PATH should be – does the text imply that the AS_PATH should be 
reconstructed?  I guess it should be if the update is to be propagated – but 
the question is while the update is being processed, which AS path information 
is used, the one in a reconstructed AS_PATH or the one in the BGPsec_Path while 
assuming that all the signatures are correct?

[Sriram] Changed the wording. The corrected wording in Section 5.2 is as 

[Sriram] Next, the BGPsec speaker examines the Signature_Blocks in the 
BGPsec_Path attribute.  A Signature_Block corresponding to an algorithm suite 
that the BGPsec speaker does not support is not considered in validation.  If 
there is no Signature_Block corresponding to an algorithm suite that the BGPsec 
speaker supports, then the BGPsec speaker MUST strip the Signature_Block(s), 
reconstruct the AS_PATH (see Section 4.4), from the Secure_Path, and treat the 
update as if it was received as an unsigned BGP update.

M10.  In Section 7.2. (On the Removal of BGPsec Signatures): “…the protocol 
specifies that a BGPsec speaker choosing to propagate the route advertisement 
in such an update message SHOULD add its signature to each of the 
Signature_Blocks.”   I believe the reference is Section 4.2 (please add it).  
However, that Section doesn’t use normative language (“For each Signature_Block 
corresponding to an algorithm suite that the BGPsec speaker does support, the 
BGPsec speaker adds a new Signature Segment to the Signature_Block.”)   In any 
case, the “SHOULD” in 7.2 is out of place because it is referencing a fact 
(pointing at the other section) and not being used normatively – if you want 
the “SHOULD” to be normative, then it should be back in 4.2.

[Sriram] Yes, agree. Fixed the wording per your suggestion in both places 
(Sections 4.2 and 7.2). Added reference to Section 4.2 in Section 7.2.

M11. The Figures (which are not numbered) in 4.2. (Constructing the BGPsec_Path 
Attribute) and 5.2. (Validation Algorithm) present the sequence of octets to be 
hashed.  I’m guessing that the order of the Signature and Secure_Path Segments 
may be important, is it?  The order in the Figures is not clear to me, if the 
order is important, please be clear about it; if not, please also say so.

[Sriram] Yes, the order of the Signature and Secure_Path Segments is important. 
I have put in additional wording for clarifying/rationale and emphasized that 
the order is important – in both sections.

[Sriram] Figures are numbered now in the document.

M12. The mandatory addition of Secure_Path and Signature segments in a 
Confederation results in the inconsistent authorization chain mentioned in 
Section 4.3. (Processing Instructions for Confederation Members): “For a 
signature produced by a peer BGPsec speaker outside of a confederation, the 
Target AS will always be the AS Confederation Identifier (the public AS number 
of the confederation) as opposed to the Member-AS Number.”  It seems to me that 
this discontinuity in the ASN list breaks the “cryptographic assurance 
that…Every AS on the path of ASes listed in the update message has explicitly 
authorized the advertisement of the route to the subsequent AS in the path” 
because there is no way to verify that the Member-AS in the first Secure_Path 
segment is in fact the one peering with the external neighbor.  I realize that 
the risk may be minimized by an “internal trust” factor, but I would like to 
see a discussion about this issue in the Security Considerations.

[Sriram] See the new second paragraph in Section 7.4. The security 
consideration that you mention here about with the way confederations are 
handled is described and discussed there.

M13. What about replay attacks?  There is no mention of the risk or potential 
mitigation anywhere.  Please include in the Security Considerations section.

[Sriram]: Added a new paragraph and reference to ietf-sidr-bgpsec-rollover in 
Section 8.4.


m1. The use of SKI, Subject Key Identifier without a qualifier (field, 
extension) is confusing at times.   Please expand SKI on first use.  An 
example: (from 3.2) “The Subject Key Identifier contains the value in the 
Subject Key Identifier extension of the RPKI…”  The first mention should 
include “field”, like similar text in 4.2.

[Sriram]: Done.

m2. Section 4. (BGPsec Update Messages) says: "A BGPsec speaker that is not a 
member of such a confederation MUST set the Flags field of the Secure_Path 
Segment to zero in all BGPsec update messages it sends."  While only one flag 
is defined, the correct statement is "…set the Confed_Segment flag…".

[Sriram]: Done.

m3. Section 4.1. (General Guidance): s/"A BGPsec update message MUST advertise 
a route to only a single NLRI."/"A BGPsec update message MUST advertise a route 
to only a single prefix."   This section contains other places where the NLRI 
term is not used correctly.  In short, the NLRI in a BGP Update contains one or 
more prefixes — so the text should talk about a single prefix, not a single 

[Sriram]  Replaced “NLRI” with “prefix” in all places in the document where 

m4. In between the text above, the following is written: "However, in the case 
that the BGPsec speaker is performing an AS Migration, the BGPsec speaker may 
add an additional signature on ingress before copying the BGPsec_Path attribute 
(see [I-D.ietf-sidr-as-migration] for more details)."  Because 
I-D.ietf-sidr-as-migration is marked as Updating this document, I suggest you 
remove this text (and the one in 4.2) -- note that the statements made in this 
document are not normative anyway and I-D.ietf-sidr-as-migration can stand on 
its own by clearly specifying what is needed for AS Migration.

[Sriram] Yes, good suggestion – removed the text. Done.

m5. In 4.2: “To prevent unnecessary processing load…a BGPsec speaker SHOULD NOT 
produce multiple consecutive Secure_Path Segments with the same AS number.  
This means that to achieve the semantics of prepending the same AS number k 
times, a BGPsec speaker SHOULD produce a single Secure_Path Segment – with 
pCount of k...”  Given pCount, I’m wondering why these SHOULDs are not MUSTs, 
especially given the expected additional load.

[Sriram] We had thought about it. Decided to leave it as SHOULD rather than 
MUST. Most implementations will do it right. We thought -- just make it a 
strong recommendation rather than enforce strictly.

m6. Section 4.3. (Processing Instructions for Confederation Members) explains 
the process of adding Secure_Path and Signature segments that may or may not be 
used at all (given that the verification is optional), only to remove them 
later.  Why isn’t the process of adding Secure_Path and Signature segments 
optional itself (instead of just the validation)?

[Sriram] In a confederation, the update is crossing AS boundaries and ASNs of 
the members are included (cannot be omitted).  It was felt that it is not a 
good idea to have mixed signed and unsigned segments. Also, the same security 
risks may exit (e.g. illegal path shortening) between confed ASes as do between 
regular ASes.

m7. In 4.4. (Reconstructing the AS_PATH Attribute), what should happen if the 
Confed_Segment flag is set to zero and the most-recently added segment in the 
AS_PATH is of type AS_CONFED_SEQUENCE?  Theoretically this can’t occur because 
it means that someone accepted an update that it shouldn’t have, but please 
include some text about this case being an error.

[Sriram] This comment is related to m11. Added a new error check in Section 5.2 
that reads, “If the update message was received from a BGPsec peer that is a 
member of the BGPsec speaker's AS confederation, check to ensure that the 
Secure_Path segment corresponding to that peer contains a Flags field with the 
Confed_Sequence flag set to one.” This takes care of m7 and m11.

m8. Section 5.1. (Overview of BGPsec Validation): “It is expected that BGP 
peers will generally prefer routes received via 'Valid' BGPsec update messages 
over both routes received via 'Not Valid' BGPsec update messages and routes 
received via update messages that do not contain the BGPsec_Path attribute…(See 
[I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-ops]…”  I read this piece of text as saying that routes 
in Not Valid updates are expected to be used (even though they are not valid).  
Besides the fact that I-D.ietf-sidr-bgpsec-ops does recommend using Not Valid 
announcements (in Section 7), are there other reasons for this document to 
expect their use?

[Sriram] If only a ‘Not Valid’ update is available for a prefix, then the 
update is used since otherwise the prefix would be unreachable. Both BGPsec and 
RPKI/origin validation are expected to depref invalid updates rather than 
ignore them. This is driven by operator policy and can vary. Hence, we are 
deliberately not using any normative language here.

m9. Section 5.1 contains these references: “…the trusted cache could deliver 
the necessary validity information to the BGPsec speaker using the router key 
PDU [I-D.ietf-sidr-rtr-keying] for the RPKI-to-Router protocol 
[I-D.ietf-sidr-rpki-rtr-rfc6810-bis].”   The reference to 
I-D.ietf-sidr-rtr-keying seems to be related to the “router key PDU”, but that 
is defined in I-D.ietf-sidr-rpki-rtr-rfc6810-bis, so it looks like the first 
reference is not needed.

[Sriram] Yes. Fixed.

m10. In 5.1: “As discussed in Section 4, when a BGPsec speaker chooses to 
forward…, it SHOULD be forwarded with its BGPsec_Path attribute…”   That 
“SHOULD” is pointing at a fact, not acting normatively in this sentence so 
please change it to “should”.

[Sriram] Yes. Fixed.

m11. Section 5.2. (Validation Algorithm) mentions this check: ‘update..from a 
peer that is not a member of the BGPsec speaker's AS confederation, check to 
ensure that none of the Secure_Path segments contain a Flags field with the 
Confed_Sequence flag set to one.”  I’m sure that the check for the flag set if 
the peer is a Confederation peer is also needed, but not mentioned in this 
section (where the normative MUST for the validation algorithm) is present.  
Section 4.3. (Processing Instructions for Confederation Members) does say this: 
“…when a confederation member runs the algorithm in Section 5.2, the 
confederation member, during processing of a Signature Segment, first checks 
whether the Confed_Sequence flag in the corresponding Secure_Path segment is 
set to one.”   I would like to see the full algorithm specified in one place 
(even if, like in Section 4.3, pieces of it are explained elsewhere).  Also, 
the text in 4.3 says that the check is performed “during processing of a 
Signature Segment”, which is fine, but probably late in the process (compared 
to the text in 5.2 that seems to require the check when the updates are 

[Sriram] Thanks for catching this. It is all fixed now. Wording changes have 
been made in Section 4.3 to say that the check is made during error checking 
rather than “during processing of a Signature Segment”. Also, in the error 
checking list in Section 5.2, we have added a new check that reads: “If the 
update message was received from a BGPsec peer that is a member of the BGPsec 
speaker's AS confederation, check to ensure that the Secure_Path segment 
corresponding to that peer contains a Flags field with the Confed_Sequence flag 
set to one.”

m12. In Section 7.4. (Additional Security Considerations), please add a 
reference to point at “appropriate transport security mechanisms.”, and/or 
point at the Security Considerations from rfc4271.

[Sriram] Done.


n1. In several places the text uses “we” (for example: “we expect…”).  It’s 
just a matter of style, but using the third person may be more appropriate (for 
example: “it is expected…”).

[Sriram] Done. Changes made per your suggestion.

n2. The use of “Target AS Number” is inconsistent: sometimes the “number” is 
capitalized, others it isn’t, and sometimes it is not even mentioned.

[Sriram] Now the document used ‘Target AS Number’ consistently.

n3. I don’t think we need Section 6.2. (Extensibility Considerations).

[Sriram] Leaving it as is for now. Can be removed later if there seems greater 
conviction about it during the IESG review process.
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