Hi Andrei,

Thanks a lot for the explainations and the example for Cr.

SIESTA manuel mentioned that to generate a polarization
orbital one needs to use "P" in PAO.Basis. However, I saw
from Siesta website that in some of the optimized basis sets,
for example Ti and Mn, only a normal single zeta (4p) is used
as a polarization orbital. It is mentioned in the notes for these
bases that this normal single zeta is intended for polarization.
Of course, this is not the definition of
a polarization orbital in the SIESTA manuel. I don't know the reason
why people use a normal single zeta rather than following the manuel.
Is it better in some cases?  Or, it is not a justified method?

By the way, do you have a tested basis sets for Cr, V?
I have pseudopotential for Cr and V without semicore states.
The magnetic moments are too high, so semicore states are necessary.
I'm currently testing PP's for Cr and V from a publication with
DZP, which will be generated by the method I learned today.
I'll be very grateful if you can send me PP's and basis, if you
have some.

Thanks again.

Best wishes,


Quoting Andrei Postnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hallo Marcos and Xiaobing -
> in a recent exchange of opinions about basis sets
> (and polarization orbitals) I'm afraid that something wrong
> has been pronounced, even if I know very few about basis sets.
> First, polarization orbitals are NOT just orbitals
> with orbital moment l+1; they are orbitals constructed
> in a very special way. In this sense,
> | >
> | > n= 3   0  2
> | >     0.000   0.000
> | >     1.000   1.000
> | > n= 3   1  1            # <-- Single polarization for the 3s orbital above
> | >     0.000              #     double polarization would be two zetas
> the latter entry IS NOT "single polarization for the 3s orbital"
> but, rather, a genuine atomic 3p orbital. Even as they have the same
> l-dependence, polarization orbitals have very different radial shape
> from geniune atomic orbitals. They are added in order to expand
> the flexibility of (in this case) 3s orbitals, rather than incorporate
> genuine 3p orbitals, which might lie quite high, and be irrelevant
> (say, if we discuss an element with an empty 3p shell).
> Speaking about the confinement of polarization orbitals, it is
> exactly the same as of their parent orbitals.
> These issues are thoroughly covered in "basic" Siesta papers
> about basis construction, tutorials etc.
> But I think Xiaobing's initial question was about 3p as semicore states
> in transition metals, and in this relation the answer about
> polarization orbitals goes beyond the point; semicore states are
> quite localized and are not so much subject to perturbations which would
> demand the inclusion of THEIR polarization orbitals.
> (But of course it is perfectly legal to do this. The result
> for semicore 3p won't be 3d orbitals, however).
> In order to include the semicore 3p
> it would normally suffice merely to include them
> explicitly in the basis, like e.g. in my naive input for Cr:
> %block PAO.Basis
>  Cr  3   0.0
>    n=4  0  2  P
>      0.0  0.0
>    n=3  2  3
>      0.0  0.0  0.0
>    n=3  1  2
>      0.0  0.0
> %endblock PAO.Basis
> Best regards
> Andrei
> +-- Dr. Andrei Postnikov ---- Tel. +33-387315873 ----- mobile +33-666784053
> ---+
> | Paul Verlaine University - Institute de Physique Electronique et Chimie,
>  |
> | Laboratoire de Physique des Milieux Denses, 1 Bd Arago, F-57078 Metz,
> France |
> +-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ------ http://www.home.uni-osnabrueck.de/apostnik/
> --+
> On Wed, 23 Jan 2008, X. Feng wrote:
> | Hi Marcos,
> |
> | Thanks very much for the reply, it is really very helpful to me.
> | I noticed that a lot people are not using "P" in Pao.Basis to
> | generate polarization orbital, rather they use, like in your example,
> | a normal single zeta orbital. With "P" the radius cannot be freely
> | changed, but it is polarized by using an electric field.
> | So, this means that the radius of a polarization orbital is more
> | important than polarization by electric field. Is it right?
> | In terms of accuracy, do you think the method for polarization
> | in your example is better than "P" method? (assuming that the basis sets
> | for both methods are optimized)
> |
> | Thanks again,
> | Yours
> |
> | Xiaobing
> |
> | Quoting Marcos Verissimo Alves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> |
> | > Hi Xiaobing,
> | >
> | > In principle, this should be it. Unless you have sometthing in mind for a
> | > particular orbital or even a zeta, in which case you can set it with a
> | > certain rc and let the others be determined by siesta. This is useful,
> for
> | > example, if you want to explicitly control the extension of your
> | > polarisation orbitals: instead of having
> | >
> | > n= 3   0  2  P
> | >     0.000   0.000
> | >     1.000   1.000
> | >
> | > you include an orbital with a unit of angular momentum higher than the
> one
> | > it polarizes:
> | >
> | > n= 3   0  2
> | >     0.000   0.000
> | >     1.000   1.000
> | > n= 3   1  1            # <-- Single polarization for the 3s orbital above
> | >     0.000              #     double polarization would be two zetas
> | >     1.000
> | >
> | >
> | > and set the rc explicitly. I'm not sure now, but I think that sometimes
> | > siesta can complain about the rc's of polarization orbitals included in
> | > this manner, telling you to set their rc explicitly.
> | >
> | > Cheers,
> | >
> | > Marcos
> | >
> | >
> | >
> | > Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu... X.
> | > Feng
> | > > Dear everyone,
> | > >
> | > > Some people used DZP basis (not optimized) for some transition metals
> with
> | > > semicore states, like V, Cr. I don't know how they do it.
> | > > Is it simply to set all cutoff radii to zeroes in the PAO.Basis and
> | > > let SIESTA to generate these radii? One can only use hard confinement
> | > > this way.
> | > > Could somebody having such experience give me a clarification?
> | > > Many thanks in advance.
> | > >
> | > > Yours,
> | > > Xiaobing
> | > >
> | > >
> | > > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> | > > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> | > >
> | >
> | >
> | > --
> | > Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
> | > Post-Doctoral Fellow
> | > Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
> | > Université Catholique de Louvain
> | > 1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348
> | > Louvain-la-Neuve
> | > Belgique
> | >
> | > ------
> | >
> | > Gort, Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto. Klaatu barada nikto.
> | >
> |
> |
> |
> |
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