Dear Siesters,

attached is a set of conversion tools, designed to transform
Siesta properties files into XCrySDen input files
(XSF for 2/3-dum. grids, BXSF for Fermi surface plotting,
and AXSF for molecular dynamics vizualizations), see
Some of these tools were earlier subject to discussion on the List,
but now I streamlined some things and made everything f90-conform.
So whoever tried old ones (rho2xsf, eig2bxsf) please test new ones.
I've done some preliminary tests on some systems, but sure enough 
there is always at least one more bug left. 
Enjoy and please send me back your criticisms and bug reports. 

Andrei Postnikov

 +-- Dr. habil. Andrei Postnikov ----- Tel. +49-541-969.2377 -- Fax .2351 ---+
 | Institut fuer Festkoerperforschung - FZ Juelich, D-52425 Juelich, Germany |
 +-- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --------- --+

Attachment: vers01.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

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