Hi everybody,

          I am trying to relax & then calculate the phonon frequencies of
different carbon systems using siesta & fcbuild & vibra.

For diamond structure- at Gamma point:
 my results->  phonon freq= 0.3, 2042 cm-1. (only Gamma point calculation)
            &  phonon freq= 0.50, 2163 cm-1 (Gamma to L-direction, 20
while expt result -> 1333 cm-1.

For graphite structure, at Gamma point,
 my results->  phonon freq.= 0.0, 1121.27 & 2305.7 cm-1, (only Gamma point

while expt result- > 0.0, 900 & 1600 cm-1.

            Can anybody please suggest me, why are these discrepancies in
phonon frequencies? What should I do now to get rid of this
huge error?

            Here is my sample relaxation input file(that creats .FC file,
used to get phonon freq. through vibrator) for graphite -- >

                                  best regards,   mousumi


SystemName          Carbon in graphite # Descriptive name of the system
SystemLabel         graphite             # Short name for naming files

NumberOfAtoms           4            # Number of atoms
NumberOfSpecies         1            # Number of species

%block Chemical_Species_Label
  1    6    C
%endblock Chemical_Species_Label

PAO.BasisSize      SZ

# Lattice, coordinates, k-sampling

%block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
  7   0   0    0.0
  0   7   0    0.0
  0   0   5    0.0
%endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack

AtomicCoordinatesFormat Fractional # Format for coordinates
AtomicCoorFormatOut     Ang

%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
   0.33333334326744     0.33333334326744     0.00000000000000   1
   0.66666668653488     0.66666668653488     0.00000000000000   1
   0.00000000000000     0.00000000000000     0.50000000000000   1
   0.33333334326744     0.33333334326744     0.50000000000000   1
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies

%block LatticeVectors
1.0000000000000000      0.00000000000000000000       0.000000000000000000
0.5000000000000000      0.86602540378443864676       0.000000000000000000
0.0000000000            0.0000000000                 2.1200000000000000000
 %endblock LatticeVectors

 LatticeConstant        2.5100000    Ang

#kgrid_cutoff        7. Ang

XC.functional           LDA         # Exchange-correlation functional type
XC.authors              CA          # Particular parametrization of xc func
SpinPolarized           .false.     # Spin unpolarized calculation
MeshCutoff              200. Ry     # Equivalent planewave cutoff for the
MaxSCFIterations        100         # Maximum number of SCF iterations per
DM.MixingWeight         0.3         # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
DM.Tolerance            1.d-4       # Tolerance in maximum difference
                                    # between input and output DM
DM.NumberPulay          3           # Number of SCF steps between pulay

# Eigenvalue problem: order-N or diagonalization

SolutionMethod          diagon      # OrderN or Diagon
ElectronicTemperature   5 K        # Temp. for Fermi smearing

# Molecular dynamics and relaxations

MD.TypeOfRun            FC          # Type of dynamics:
#ElectronicTemperature   30 K        # Temp. for Fermi smearing
#MD.NumCGsteps           40

# Output options

WriteKpoints            .true.
WriteEigenvalues        .false.
WriteKbands             .true.
WriteBands              .true.
WriteMullikenPop        1            # Write Mulliken Population Analysis
WriteCoorXmol           .false.
WriteMDCoorXmol         .false.
WriteMDhistory          .false.
WriteCoorXmol           .false.

# Options for saving/reading information

DM.UseSaveDM                         # Use DM Continuation files
MD.UseSaveXV            .false.      # Use stored positions and velocities
MD.UseSaveCG            .false.      # Use stored positions and velocities
SaveRho                              # Write valence pseudocharge at the mesh
SaveDeltaRho                         # Write RHOscf-RHOatm at the mesh
SaveElectrostaticPotential .false.   # Write the total elect. pot. at the
SaveTotalPotential      .false.      # Write the total pot. at the mesh
WriteSiestaDim          .false.      # Write minimum dim to siesta.h and stop
WriteDenchar                         # Write information for DENCHAR



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