Dear Rong

The behaviour you found can vary
dramatically depending on the system
(a run dominated by diagon or ordern
will not notice the variation in mesh cutoff,
while a run dominated by dhscf will)


Rong Yu wrote:

Dear All,

It seems the mesh-cutoff does not significantly influence the
calculation time.

For FCC Pt, the used mesh-cutoff and the total time are listed as
Mesh-cutoff (required, used)       time
                           60    76           214
                          100  136          239
                          200   213         240

Is this normal? If yes, I wonder why not set default mesh-cutoff to a
larger value, say 200?



Emilio Artacho

Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge
Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3EQ, UK
Tel. (+44/0) 1223 333480, Fax  (+44/0) 1223 333450

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