A couple of questions:

(1) Is there a way of calculating then plotting the transferred charge
using denchar? That is, for example, if I have a molecule adsorbed on
a surface, calculating the SCF for the molecule, the same for the
surface and then the SCF for the surface/molecule system, then
substracting the molecule and surface SCF's from the combined
molecule/surface SCF?

(2) What's the point of the denchar.atomsinplane block? If you can
specify denchar.indices3atoms block, doesn't atomsinplane do the same

(3) Is there a guaranteed way of generating the .WFS file? I included
the line "WriteWaveFunctions .true." to my siesta fdf file but no .WFS
file appears.

With thanks

Ian Shuttleworth

"Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven" (Milton)

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