Thank you for your advices. 
I have also cut the system down to only a 100 atoms or so, without any 
improvement. I have a pretty good idea about V position, what is less known to 
me is the distortion of the sheet. I have done runs with 220 Ry mesh, but no 
change. I will try very high temperature as a final try.
Thansk again. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Siesta, Self-Consistent DFT LCAO program, http://www.uam.es/siesta 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marcos Verissimo Alves
Sent: 4. november 2008 17:42
To: SIESTA-L@listserv.uam.es
Subject: Re: [SIESTA-L] Crazy SCF with vanadium

631 atoms? whew...

Thee could be a few things that might help. One thing is to set an electronic 
temperature higher than the default (about 25 meV). Even though you say you 
have raised the temperature (which I assume to be the electronic temperature), 
how high have you raised? Maybe you'll have to set it to a really high value 
for your calculation to converge initially, after which you'll be able to lower 
it gradually, in steps of about 10 meV and re-relaxing everything again.

Another thing that helps convergence is that V atoms are in a good initial 
position. My personal experience is that when the initial positions of the 
atoms are way off the equilibrium ones, scf can be problematic, especially if 
you have d electrons (in my case I have Ni slabs). Supposing that V atoms would 
be adsorbed over the graphene surface, you could try doing an initial 
relaxation with the Harris functional - which would overcome scf convergence 
problems in a first step. It will most probably not give very reliable results, 
but it could help in determining an initial set of positions which could be not 
too off from equilibrium. Make a test with a V atom over a 32-atom graphene 
sheet to compare the outcomes of full scf relaxation and a Harris functional 
calculation; if it gives decent results, you could try doing this to your 
larger sheet.

Finally, I would use a larger MeshCutoff. It might help to improve SCF 
convergence. Try at least 220-250 Ry.

Best of luck,


Vous avez écrit / You have written / Lei ha scritto / Você escreveu...
Joachim Fürst
> Dear all,
> I am doing a relaxation with vanadium on graphene, and the scf loop 
> goes
> crazy:
> siesta: iscf    Eharris(eV)       E_KS(eV)    FreeEng(eV)     dDmax
> Ef(eV)
> siesta:    1   -97094.38150   -99070.91635   -99070.91635  39.07032
> -4.23154
> timer: Routine,Calls,Time,% = IterSCF        1     882.442  95.03
> elaps: Routine,Calls,Wall,% = IterSCF        1     223.031  94.74
> siesta:    2   -97140.17446   -99051.35598   -99051.50902  34.72834
> -4.20753
> siesta:    3   -97226.76276   -98965.36619   -98965.50463  35.42815
> -4.12217
> siesta:    4   -94936.08243   -99371.74467   -99371.89250  35.10492
> -4.22078
> siesta:    5   -90678.74567   -99715.25553   -99715.47141  24.75070
> -4.07217
> siesta:    6   -86315.83616  -100050.89144  -100051.12562  36.83745
> -3.67364
> siesta:    7   -97702.64129   -98510.48955   -98510.724571051.40098
> -3.89029
> -And it only gets worse after more iterations.
> I have tried almost all thinkable combinations of Pulay mixing, mixing 
> rate etc, but without success. I have also increased temperature, 
> disabled spin, changed energyshift, tried different basis sets for all 
> elements....No luck at all!  Sometimes I can get it to converge, but 
> then after a CG step or two it goes nuts again.
> If I leave out vanadium, the problem disappears. I have used this 
> vanadium PS many times in different calculations, but have never come 
> across this issue until now.
> Have you got any ideas? I have listed my .fdf file below (the long 
> list of coordinates is left out).
> Hope you have some good advice. Thanks!
> NumberOfSpecies: 3
> NumberOfAtoms: 631
> LatticeConstant 1.0 Ang
> %block LatticeVectors
> 55.         0.         0.
>       0.   8.         0
>       0.        0.  36.84
> %endblock LatticeVectors
> %block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> 1 6  C_pbe
> 2 1 H
> 3 23 V
> %endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
> AtomicCoordinatesFormat Ang
> %block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
> 40.470458 0.000000 0.000196 1
> 39.049818 0.000000 0.000213 1
> 36.210059 -0.000001 0.000237 1
> 0.709653 0.000000 0.000252 1
> .....
> .....
>  %endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
> %block kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
> 1   0   0 0.0
> 0   1   0  0.0
> 0   0   1  0.0
> %endblock kgrid_Monkhorst_Pack
> DM.UseSaveDM  T
> #SaveTotalPotential T
> #SaveRho T
> #SaveElectrostaticPotential T
> #MD.UseSaveXV T
> SolutionMethod Diagon
> %block PAO.BasisSizes
> C_pbe DZ
> H DZ
> %endblock PAO.BasisSizes
> %block PAO.Basis
> V           4                    # Species label, number of l-shells
>  n=4   0   2 P 1                  # n, l, Nzeta, Polarization, NzetaPol
>    7.497      6.783
>    1.000      1.000
>  n=3   1   2                         # n, l, Nzeta
>    3.048      1.943
>   1.000      1.000
>  n=4   1   2                         # n, l, Nzeta
>    9.870      8.285
>    1.000      1.000
>  n=3   2   2                         # n, l, Nzeta
>    4.901      2.758
>    1.000      1.000
> %endblock PAO.Basis
> XC.functional GGA
> LongOutput .true.
> XC.authors PBE
> SystemLabel bulk
> DM.MixSCF1   T
> MaxSCFIterations      600           # Maximum number of SCF iter
> DM.MixingWeight       0.01         # New DM amount for next SCF cycle
> DM.Tolerance          1.d-4         # Tolerance in maximum difference
> DM.UseSaveDM          true          # to use continuation files
> DM.NumberPulay         4
> SpinPolarized  true
> WriteMullikenPop 1
> MeshCutoff 175 Ry
> MD.TypeOfRun   CG
> MD.NumCGSteps  190
> MD.UseSaveCG  true
> MD.UseSaveXV  true
> MD.MaxCGDispl  0.02 Ang
> MD.MaxForceTol 0.05 eV/Ang
> WriteCoorXmol       true
> WriteMDXmol         true
> WriteMDhistory      true

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM) Université 
Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


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