Dear all siesta users,
The following input file would stop in "Begin CG move =      0" and although it 
is running it remains in this stage for hours.
I would be greatly thankful to know where I have gone wrong.
SystemName zno first dia nanowire
SystemLabel zno
NumberOfSpecies 2
NumberOfAtoms 12
%block ChemicalSpeciesLabel
      1      30     Zn
      2       8     O
%endblock ChemicalSpeciesLabel
PAO.BasisSize  DZP
Diag.Divide-and-Conquer F
LatticeConstant     3.25 Ang
%block LatticeParameters   
6.0000 6.0000 1.6011  90 90 120
%endblock LatticeParameters  
%block supercell
1  0  0
0  1  0
0  0  1
%endblock supercell 
AtomicCoordinatesFormat   Fractional
%block AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
0.444444  0.388888  0.000000 1
0.388888  0.444444  0.500000 1
0.444444  0.555556  0.000000 1
0.555556  0.611111  0.500000 1
0.611111  0.555556  0.000000 1
0.555556  0.444444  0.500000 1 
0.444444  0.388888  0.625000 2
0.388888  0.444444  0.125000 2
0.444444  0.555556  0.625000 2
0.555556  0.611111  0.125000 2
0.611111  0.555556  0.625000 2
0.555556  0.444444  0.125000 2
%endblock AtomicCoordinatesAndAtomicSpecies
%block kgrid_monkhorst_pack
1  0  0  0.0
0  1  0  0.0
0  0  6  0.0
%endblock kgrid_monkhorst_pack
xc.functional       LDA
xc.authors          CA
Solution.Method       diagon
MeshCutoff             400 Ry
DM.NumberBroyden       4
DM.MixingWeight        0.1         
DM.Tolerance           1.d-4       
MaxSCFIterations       400
WriteCoorStep      .true.
WriteForces        .true.
HarrisFunctional T
MD.TypeOfRun         Broyden
MD.Variable-Cell      T
MD.Target-pressure   100.0 GPa
MD.Num-CG-steps      60
MD.max-force-tol 0.04 eV/ang
MD.Max-Stress-Tol    0.4 GPa
MD.Broyden.Initial.Inverse.Jacobian 1.0
MD.Broyden.History.Steps 6



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