> Hi all,
> I've got a (silly, I'd say) question regarding the subroutine reclat. I
> wanted to see the cartesian components of the reciprocal lattice vectors.
>  when I take a supercell of graphene with
> lattice vectors along x and y, I get:
>  reclat: Unit cell vectors (Bohr):
> a1:      64.2734938385   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
> a2:       0.0000000000   9.2770797408   0.0000000000
> a3:       0.0000000000   0.0000000000  32.4697790909
>  reclat: Reciprocal lattice vectors, not scaled by 2*pi:
> b1:       0.0977570213   0.0000000000   0.0000000000
> b2:       0.0000000000   0.6772805110   0.0000000000
> b3:       0.0000000000   0.0000000000   0.1935087174
> Now, the direct lattice vectors are correct, but I would expect that
> $b_{1x}=2*pi*a_{2y}$; instead $b_{1x}=2*pi*a_{2x}$, and something
> analogous happens for $b_{2y}$. Am I missing something, or is the
> condition
> $\vec b_{i} \dot \vec a_{j}$
> not obeyed by the subroutine reclat?

Dear Marcos -
Yes it is: each reciprocal vector is orthogonal to
TWO OTHER ones in the direct lattice.
That means for orthorhombic lattices:
each reciprocal one is aligned with its corresponding direct one,
and has its recioprocal length.
Exactly as you have it...

Best regards

Andrei Postnikov

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