Also the gap found from the DOS plot is about 4eV, which is also way too large.

DOS is not a good way of looking at Eg since it is based on several k-points used for calculations.

%block PS.lmax
In  3
As  2
%endblock  PS.lmax

Don't cut it. If you have ghost states you might avoid them by using more KBprojectors (Blochl method).

%block PS.KBprojectors
  As    4
   0     2
   2000 -2000
   1     2
   2000 -2000
   2     2
   2000 -2000
   3     1
%endblock PS.KBprojectors

Here is my As pseudo with NLCC (used for GaAs) that doesn't have ghost states:

   pe      As
        tm2      2.5
   As   car
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
    6    4
    4    0      2.00      0.00
    4    1      3.00      0.00
    4    2      0.00      0.00
    4    3      0.00      0.00
      1.80      2.20      2.50      3.00      1.10      1.40

#based on Ordejon GaMnAs and slightly hardened

Also, do you have NLCC for In?

%block PAO.Basis
In   3
 n=4 2 2 P
     0.00  0.00
     1.00  1.00
 n=5 0 2
     0.00  0.00
     1.00  1.00
 n=5 1 2
     0.00  0.00
     1.00  1.00
%endblock PAO.Basis

You don't need P for 4d orbitals, instead, you need it for 5p.
For 4d you might even use SZ.

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