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I doing a convergence test on the meshcutoff values for a cellobiose - ionic 
liquid - water system.(So we're using Cl, O, N, C, H in the system)I'm using 
LDA CA Single Zeta Basis Sets, and there are 292 atoms(643 orbitals) in the 
box.I performed single step CG with different Mesh cutoff values to see the 
energy difference, but the energies seems to oscillate in a weird way. (Each 
individual CG step meets its DM tolerance) What should I have play around with 
first? initial coordination? Basis sets? Or any other 
parameters?(DM.MixingWeight = 0.1, and NumberPulay is 5)Mesh Cufoff(Ry)   Total 
Energy(eV)         150               -43439.704028         175               
-43439.701562         200               -43439.699254         250               
-43439.691022         300               -43439.682910         350               
-43439.695682         400               -43439.690315

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