Dear all,

a Research Scientist position (up to 4 years is available at the Theoretical 
and Computational Division of the National Nanotechonology Laboratory of 
CNR-INFM, Lecce, Italy (

Research topics include: 
-density-functional theory (DFT) modelling of interfaces between organic 
molecules and noble metals surfaces; 
-development of embedding approaches, orbital free DFT and surface green 
-development of advanced DFT methods and orbital-dependent 
exchange-correlation functionals. 

This position is funded by the ERC-Starting-Grant Project DEDOM 

The monthly net-salary will be in the range E1800-E2500 (depending on 

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry/physics. 

Profound knowledge of electronic structure methods and large 
programming  experience are required.

Applications should include: curriculum vitae, list of publications, 
description of research experience, description of simulation methods 
implemented by the candidate. 


Dr. Ing. Fabio Della Sala
NNL (National Nanotechnology Laboratories) of CNR-INFM,
Universita' degli Studi di Lecce,
Via Arnesano (Distretto Tecnologico), 73100 Lecce, Italy
Tel. +39 0832 298202  Fax:  +39 0832 298237

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