Dear Roberto

Thanks for your help.
Now the problem has been got settled with your suggestion.

Best regards,


R.C.Pasianot さんは書きました:
> Hi
> Try disabling the "divide and conquer" method of matrix diagonalization
> ( Diag.DivideAndConquer .false. ).
> Also the Diag.Memory switch might me helpful.
> For new calculations it is often preferable not to use old density
> matrices, namely, let SIESTA build a fresh one.
> Bye,
> Roberto
> On Fri, 8 May 2009, Hiromasa OHNISHI wrote:
>> Dear siesta users
>> In the calculation with Diag.ParralelOverK option,
>> I have got the following error.
>> Failure to converge standard eigenproblem
>> Stopping Program from Node: 7
>> This error often occurs in the middle of the scf iteration.
>> How to eliminate this error ?
>> Hiro

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