  The last problem has been solved.Thank you very much!But I get another 
problem.I use vib2xsf to visualize the phonons and use the example si54 in 
siesta-2.0.2/Util/Vibra/Examples. I use vib2xsf as follows:
 Specify  SystemLabel (or 'siesta' if none): si54
   dstmin=   2.33910204536075     
 Now define the grid cell for your XCrysDen plot.
 Note that it can be arbitrarily chosen with respect to the Siesta simulation 
cell, and it needs not to be orthogonal. We'll define it by the origin point 
and three spanning vectors. They can be given in Bohr or Ang.
 Would you use Bohr (B) or Ang (A) ? a
 Enter origin point in Ang  : 1 1 1
 Enter 1st spanning vector in Ang  :  0.000000000       8.145000000       
 Enter 2nd spanning vector in Ang  :  8.145000000       0.000000000       
 Enter 3rd spanning vector in Ang  :  8.145000000       8.145000000       
 Specify SystemLabel of vibrator calculation (or 'siesta' if none): si54
 select first and last modes (out of   162 ) for analysis.
 A separate XSF/AXSF file will be created for each mode.
 First mode : 1
  Last mode : 6
 Error reading real part of eigenvector            1  iat=           3
Then it stops.

Can you help me? And I want to know how to plot phonon dos.
Best Wishes

穿越地震带 纪念汶川地震一周年

穿越地震带 纪念汶川地震一周年

Attachment: si54.vectors
Description: Binary data

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