
I remember having had problems using old versions of MPICH. Have you tried
MPICH 2.x.x?


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Radu Popa
> Hello,
> I need help for compiling SIESTA 2.0.2 parallel under mpich.
> For the compilation I was following the LeRoux guide, but using:
> - Intel Linux Compilers version: 11.0.083
> - MPICH version: 1.2.7
> I am running under Debian-etch, Intel Core2Duo procs.
> I attach here the arch.make and the log file resulted when this final
> As you can see in the log file (file named: logg, attached here), the
> problem apppears as a bunch of "undefined reference" messages, related to
> routines that are shown to be defined in the mpich libraries. I don't
> understand why they are not found correctly there, as the path is provided
> in arch.make. Also, according to the LeRoux guide, I have compiled mpich
> with ifort/icc.
> If you have any suggestion on that, please let me know.
> Thanks!
> Radu Popa

Dr. Marcos Verissimo Alves
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Unité de Physico-Chimie et de Physique des Matériaux (PCPM)
Université Catholique de Louvain
1 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348


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